Cardinal Newman said : "By a garden is meant mystically a place of spiritual repose, stillness, peace, refreshment, delight." Yes, but, it can also be a place of backbreaking labor, frustration and heat stroke. One must accept a garden for what it is as well as what one wants it to be. I must have at least a quarter acre, I'd guess much more, and there are lots of the weed Lambs Quarter. I guess they're a weed, since everyone tries to kill them and no one plants them...but, you can eat them and they're pretty. A weed is defined as a plant growing in an undesired location. Maybe I am in an undesired location. Maybe I am the weed. Well, this is some deep bullshit, isn't it? Anyway, I like Lambs Quarter, it's pretty when it's small and the underside is white/silver and it's slightly fuzzy and it doesn't hurt anyone. And you will never get rid of it all so you might as well enjoy it. I'm going to cook some up with butter and salt and pepper and eat it. That's my weed control for today.
And I know I could have chosen a pretty name, but, it is not my intention to show only pretty here. This is a journey. I'm fairly sure there will be some cussing later.