Heidi Dumbfuck quote: "I was just saying about birth control, because I got very scared about it the other day and I felt like God was telling me that this was something just created by the government that is really bad for my body and I was just getting sick, and I researched it, and one of the founding people who invented birth control said it was the worst thing they had ever done, they wished they'd never created it, how it morally corrupted society, it's just sickening to him. How it devalues women, how it causes depression, how it can cause cancer, how it sterilizes your body, and what it does to your body, how most women are suicidal sometimes on it, and in fact, in order to even stabilize the population right now, each woman would have to have three children, that the population is decreasing so much that population control is just a myth.
Forget the goofy conspiracy theory, does anyone else on here remember when there was no birth control?? I do. I grew up in that weird time in history when the evolution off all things pertaining to women were taboo. That's right, half the population didn't count. Oh, they had the vote, but, no one I knew used it. They raised the kids, but, none of them knew how. Every product aimed at women was supposed to make you more beautiful to men. And female problems of a biological nature were certainly not attractive to men and therefore not talked about in the mainstream.
Can I imagine a Kotex or god forbid a tampax, commercial in 1960? Are you fucking kidding? No. The men who controlled the media would have literally shit their pants if vaginal blood was hinted at on their televisions. They'd just become liberated enough to stick those ads in the backs of women's magazines with a picture of a smiling freckled blond on the beach who had a secret. She could swim every day of the month! Wowzah. All things female were hidden.
It got a little better in the 70's, which is when I came of age (18) but, things weren't open yet, they were progressing, but, not openly discussed. By "things" I mean women's issues. Gloria Steinem and others led a women's movement. A bunch of us in Iowa got drunk and burned our bras outside the Legion hall. The men eventually forgave us. All that stuff really meant to me was that birth control became available. Up until then it was hit or miss, pure luck. Sure, men had condoms. We called them rubber and talk about things like rubbers made the older women sweat and run to church dragging sinner teenagers with them. Rubbers were something truckers had. They had secret rubber machines in the bathrooms of truck stops. There sure as hell weren't any rubber machines where I lived. So unless you slept with a trucker, you were pretty much screwed. No pun intended. Just about every girl I knew either got married at 16 to avoid giving birth out of wedlock, or like me, they had a kid to raise on their own. That's just the way it was. We didn't think we were a sorry lot. And we didn't spend much time crying over lost childhoods.
When the birth control pill finally became available, it was the finest day in hick town history. That would have been in the early 70's. But, you know what? WE still couldn't get it. Nope. By we, I mean unmarried girls like me who already had a child to support alone. Oh, no, the sanctimonious elders of the town and churches wouldn't allow it. It was promoting sin. We devised plans where our married girl friends would get the pills for us. Or we went out of town and made up elaborate stories and fake married names. It was fucking horrible and awesome at the same time. To have that little round disc of pills in your hand was such a relief. Imagine planning your own future! Something women take for granted today. You can not imagine how liberated that felt. We were people! We mattered and we had choices! OMFG!
Now idiots like Heidi who never lived through that time have to talk out their ass. We knew the health risks, they were right on the package. Doesn't that dumb bitch realize women would rather face blood clots, cancer, sterilization and everything else than have no choices?? Doesn't she realize how many women died, bleeding to death from shoving coat hangers up inside themselves JUST because they wanted a choice? I think living in poverty and abuse with no money and a pack of kids to support is a wee bit more "demoralizing" and "depressing" than birth control. Suicide was the only way out. You women out there who are too young to remember this time, well, I hope you read about it and keep making a difference. Don't ever let that time happen again. Make women important, fight for what you deserve. And if you see Heidi Montag..kick her in the face. The world is definitely over populated with her in it.
Both Heidi Spencer are hopefully at the end of their incredibly long 15 minutes. I watched part of the celebrity show just to see if these two were as pedantic as people say they are. YES! He is his own little conceited world, and she seems as lost and disconnected as the blonde stereotype.
I can't wait for these two to turn into Courtney Love's same has been/never was persona.
Speidi sucks!
Excellent post again, Pat--and Ali, should we encounter Heidi, I'll hold her down, you kick, how's that? ;)
10G (Gina)
Fan fucking fantastic. I'm 34 & was probably around one of the first really sexually liberated generations, I never knew there wasn't a pill or a coil or a condom given free at the local health clinic, they were alway avaiable. But I thank god for those women who didn't have choices, like my nan who had 9 kids by the time she was 38, who finally said, fuck this shit, we need a break. I have a coil now (after having my son 2 years ago) & my husband complains about not having more kids, my answer; "get a fucking girlfriend, as long as she dont expect money or support you can have as many as you want with her but stick a fork in me, I'm done. :D
Even after all this time, you guys crack me up. I hear you loud and clear Bubble, I was the same way from 16 until 30 and then something inside me changed and I decided no matter what the cost, I was going to try for a daughter. Thank the load it worked the first time. Kids are tough to carry, terrifying to birth and psychosis inducing to raise. We.d die for them in a heartbeat yet dream of tossing them out a 9th story window.
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