Today really was a gorgeous day, whatever problems blogger had, well, I wasn't paying much attention anyway. I spent most of the day outside. This kind of day is extremely rare. Not only did no one fuck with me (I know! That's a first) but, the weather was beeeeeeeeeautiful. The temp stayed around 78 and a breeze blew. We NEVER have that in Iowa! This is a region of extremes, it's really a horrible place if you like being outside. But, not today. I haven't seen a day this perfect in years. It reminded me of the Summers of childhood. The air smelled like flowers and everything is lush and mysterious and blooming. I sat in the side yard in the afternoon and just watched the light change and play tag in the trees. Every once in awhile a neighborhood kid set off a firecracker, the dogs would bark and instead of being annoying, it was sweet. I found some Tomato's I grew from seeds over by Mom's fence. I planted them really late, like a month ago, and they are now 4 foot tall. Kind of skinny from being smothered in the weeds, but, I pulled the Lambs Quarter and Ragweed and tied them. I found some cucumbers growing up an old swing, nearly covering it. They look pretty cool. It was a pack of seeds I'd given Lissa. I like giving kids seeds and seeing where they come up. It's like a surprise in July. It's too bad I have that old clothes line, huu? I don't think I'll be invited to be in House and Garden. That's okay, they don't do my laundry. Sometimes I take photos of my laundry. Is that weird? I collect '50's linens and I use them. So, they look cool hanging out there. At least to me. Sigh. What a perfect day. If people would leave me alone, I could love it here. I just checked Yahoo and we are supposed to have another perfect day tomorrow. It's too much to hope for. I may die of happiness.
Going on two and 1/2 weeks of rain here in New England. Only 9 days of sun the whole month of June.....
Awww. I love the rain and we've had plenty, but, honestly, I haven't seen a day like this in ages. It was just perfect. The night is perfect too. I'm in and out enjoying it. I bought some yard candles..I wonder where I put them..hmm
There is nothing like "the" perfect day - and those are rare, in terms of temperature, light, wind, smells and overall balance. Here's hoping for another one tomorrow. Melissa
Was a day made for poetry. :-)
Days like that feed the soul. It was like that Sunday morning here in Easter WA. The sky was so blue that it nearly hurt my eyes and made my flowers glow. The hummingbirds are in full on feeding and courting activity and are everywhere going crazy. Glad you had a day of peace and beauty, you deserve it!
Pat, what in world is the difference between 50's linen and the linen of 2009 lol..... (sitting here grinning)
It was AWESOME in Olympia today too. I think I'm gonna take a shower outside tonight before bed. "They" say we will have a gorgeous 4th, and I already told the hubby that we go out and do something or we do. With the three day weekend, I still have dance class on Friday and Sunday, but, I get to sleep in on Friday and not wake up early to get his lunch ready.
Nadine, 1950's linen and kitchen towels and tablecloths have kitchy designs like florals, cowboys, mod art..they're cool. I'll post them next time I have a load to hang out on the line.
Peg, fuck poetry. I'm just glad I had some peace. You aren't listening to that chat room poetry again are you? That stuff causes brain tumors.
Meissa, did you buy fireworks? I got Lis some sparklers, but, I can see the fair ground fire works from my garden. Wooo!
I'm happy you had a lovely day. Hope tomorrow is great too.
Pat, no we don't buy fireworks. We are planning to go on top of one of the Black Hills mountains and watch how everyone else's money goes up in smoke on the surrounding areas. Looks cool though, at the summit, if it's clear you can see the fireworks from the Space Needle in Seattle. On a clear day you can see the Pacific Ocean from the summit, and the Cascades towards the East. There's a few firework stands on the main road where we live, (there's an Indian Res strip) and they do enough burning to scare our poor cats LOL!
We may do that or take our swingbikes to Aberdeen and watch the display by the waterfront park.
I'm so happy "everyone" else in the world is having nice weather. AND I'M SO JEALOUS!!! In the last two months, our area has had 20 minutes of rain. The farmers are plowing and it looks like the dust storms during the depression. You can feel the grit in your teeth. This afternoon at 4:00 it was 100 degrees and tomorrow is supposed to be the same. I have been watering my poor little garden every day. Pat,I know you would cry if you saw it. The irony is I live in the swamps--there's water all around us but the ground has cracks in it big enough to put your hand down in them. I hate to say anything because when it does start raining--it doesn't stop. But I did pick ONE beautiful giant tomato and it was so juicy and wonderful. There is nothing like a home grown tomato.
So glad to hear you're doing better! Was worried about you for a while.
I live in New England too and the weather has stunk royally.
Today is another gloomy day in the 60s-70s.
Sick of fighting off the mosquitoes.
The only plus side is we haven't had to turn on the ACs yet.
I liked reading that stuff, hearing differences. OMG! If I ever saw fireworks reflected over an Ocean, I'd probably faint...and take 5,000 pictures. LOL!
I'm in South Kakalackey and it's been 90+ for a while now with a horrible humidity. We also need the rain, it's very dry.
Pat, you have to come to N.J., where I live. We have fireworks every Friday night and , of course, on the 4th. They set the barge out on the ocean and yes, you can probably see a reflection!
I've never gone to watch them on the beach because I can see them from my deck. I usually skip them altogether because my deck is packed with my customers and by 10:00 when they set them off I've had it with people and need alone time.(I own a motel, it's 24/7 customer service, get's to you sometimes)
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