Sunday, June 14, 2009

And the Zuchini has blossoms!

So does the Gold Rush Squash and some Cucumbers. This, and the two ripe Tomatos just made my day.


Nina said...

Zuchini bread is so good. I like to stuff it with crab and breadcrumbs too.

Unknown said...

Awww, man! I love zuchini! I also love summer squash. Fried! Yum

Pat said...

I love Zuch too. I counted 16 blossoms on one plant though. I think I went overboard, because I have tons of Zuchini plants. I wonder if you can freeze it?

Pat said...

Oh, yeah, that Gold Ruch Squash is like a yellow Zuch, it's real good too.

Anonymous said...

My mom use to batter and fry those flowers. They were really good! I don't know what kind of batter it was, but I can tell you it had to be simple if my mom made it.
