Last night I decided to use my new camera for the first night shots. I had some artsy fartsy idea in my head about a pretty child chasing lighting bugs through the Hostas. It didn't happen. Oh, there was plenty of lightening bug chasing with a bug cage and smashed Hostas and sreeching, laughing and total chaos. But, lightening bugs don't pose and neither does Lissa. I got frustrated and said "Why can't you let me take one good picture, ever? I don't get it." She stopped and said, FINE. Then she posed for the first time in her life. You can bet I took advantage of her change of heart. She became a total ham and mugged for me, urging me on until I had a 100 pictures of her ranging from pretty to crossing her legs to keep from peeing herself with laughter. I finally said, that's enough, you big hambone. "No, do more!!" I asked her, what are you going to do with all these pictures of yourself? She said, when I get big, I will send them to my boyfriend. She makes me laugh. That's a good plan.
cute, cute cute child! Sunday is Lissa day!
So, today is the new 33! Billy Mays has died! The Oxy-Clean guy! We all were wondering who would make the 3. Well, we wait no longer! wow...makes me think I am next! He was 50 also.
"So, today is the new 33!"
Correction:..."3". Not "33". Sorry peoples! That was me hurrying!
Ed macmahon, farrah, mj - that was the 3, now with Billy Mays that's for..... Are there going to be 2 more to make it 2 3s?
Lissa is GORGEOUS! That middle picture is to die for. What a little sassy pants. Love her! Does she wanna babysit Sammy for me when she's older?? Lol
*4* not for... That's what I get for commenting with the blackberry!
Yeah, I was gonna say, Ed was number three. But, RIP oxy clean guy. That stuff really works.
BTW, Lis was soaking wet from the hose. I got some good pics of that too. This camera is awesome. Can you tell I had a good weekend?
Those pictures are sooo cute. Thats so cute that she wants to send them to her boyfriend later on hehe.
Actually..Billy Mays was no.5. Cos you have missed David Carradine.
Naaa. I wish they'd leave Carradine alone. Who cares what he was doing? He didn't hurt anyone else. The whole thing bothers me because he should be left with some respect.
First pic is georgous!
i like the second pix best!
sometimes the best images are the ones that happen spontaneously....
I like the first pic best.... she looks like a mixture of you and Casey....
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