We all know what the G's motivation is..money. But, what about their die hard fans? What possible positive things can come out of worshipping people you know in your heart are wrong? I won't mention the biggest Gosselin fan by name, you all know who I'm talking about..and her followers. Why make up this big lie about who you are and what a perfect family you have when your main goal in life is to follow two slackers who sold their kids? To mold your life around THAT family is a set up for a big fall. And possible jail time. The G's are the worst kind of parents because every bad thing they've done was done deliberately for money with no regard to their kids. Why would anyone worship them and try to be like them?
Wouldn't their fans be better off to admit they made the biggest mistake in their life and try and change things? Some people can never admit they're wrong, or maybe they don't have the brain power to see the wrong. It's a sad and evil thing when people think the Gosselin's have some magic formula for raising the perfect family in light of everything that's come out. You'd think they could finally see the error of their ways, but, that's not happening. Fans still worship them and make excuses for their behavior. And somewhere out there, there are a lot of kids who are going to pay for that. The Gosselin's and their fans make my family look like they might have some hope.
Here here to dysfunction! Some people just seem to have better luck in life than others don't they?
I'm not sure..I think when you're dealt a crap hand you can get a redo if you're smart enough to admit you were wrong. The G's and their fans just keep doing wrong and never face the music. Their kids are the ones who pay.
J&K Fans are Masochists.
I truly believe that the reason why there are still some major die hard Gosselin fans is because the Gosselin dream is attainable. Think about it? The Gosselin fan is a non-educated, non-working mother who is probably living in an average to low average house/apartment, has no money and a kid or two that probably does not get treated well. They have no qualifications or skills that would bring them any type of salary that is above the minimum wage. They are not smart and will never become wealthy or even close to it. They look at Jon & Kate as people who have no education or skills, yet they are rich just by having a large family. The sheeple/fan can have that lifestyle. They can just take a cocktail of fertility drugs and *BAM* they have the American dream. Money, fame, servants, nannies and fans.There is no hard work, no accomplishments that need to be overcome to have what the Gosselins have. Just a perscription for fertility drugs and the hope of producing a large litter to get a reality show that will create all the money in the world. So yes, the Gosselin dream is very much attainable and thats why they still have fans out there because these fans KNOW that they can have that dream too.And that what makes this very scary too. Any nut can have this.
Go on any mom website or message board and it is filled with women who are either buying fertility drugs from Mexico in secret or lying to their doctors to get fertility drugs.Some even doing it behind their partners back. All for the hope of getting pregnant with high order multiples to become famous and special. Helloooo, Octomom anyone? A perfect example of a woman who most likely looked at the Gosselins as a role model for fame and fortune. Women are eating fertility drugs like candy just for Kates life and it is very disgusting that she is still seen as the Messiah for useless women who want noriety by getting pregnant with many babies at one time.
People who are fans of Kate should not be counted for, considering the fact that they are vile creatures who believe that selling out your children for money is perfectly acceptable.
Yeah, I've read variations of that theory and I agree with it. There are no laws stopping the stupid from reproducing in mass. It's a shame.
re:fertility drugs
The thing that annoys me to no end, is that many of these are the same people who cry out loud how poor they are and how they struggle to make ends meet, living from paycheck to paycheck....yet they find the thousands of $$ to go through with these treatments. And after having the baby/babies they STILL bitch and moan about how much they struggle now that their family grew, expecting their community to step in. And here come the good hearted suckers to help them in any way they can. I have absolutely no sympathy for any of those people.
Pat, Not trying to be an ass kisser here, but every time I read your latest post, I am further impressed with how insightful and accurate you are. And you manage to do this in such a way that makes me laugh.
The odd thing about the "fans" is that the never assert what it is that they like about them. It's as if they just don't want anyone to critique their behavior. Kind of like how right-wingers called those who dared to voice dissent regarding decisions made by Bush, Un-American. Not that our foriegn policy and the Greedlins are equal in importance but, I think that the idea that there are some who, instead of arguing with facts, will merely attack with an ad hominem, i.e haters. My husband teaches at a college, he has taught logic and critical thinking. I've always said to him that those subjects should be taught starting in middle school, and should be manditory, not an elective. The fan's arguments certainly could benefit from some basic understanding of logic. Their so called arguments are full of falacies, and need to know that calling someone "jealous" is not a persuasive rebuttal. Stellar debaters, they are not.
You have said before that the only thing J&K are good for, is making us feel like better parents. So true! Thanks. I enjoy reading your obsevations.
I agree with you 100%. How many times have I heard or read couples or people who have triplets or more and then cry that they do not have the money to take care of them. Insurance does not cover fertility treatments so, ya, where do they get off asking the public or even family members to help flip the bill.
If they have the thousands to pay for the fertility drugs then they need to shut their trapes and pay for their kids themselves.
Thanks shmedelle. If I'm insightful at all, it's because I'm old and I've seen it all. The Gosselin fans are something I can't figure out completely. These people have to know the damage they do, I just don't understand them. Even money and fame doesn't explain it all. It's very complicated, isn't it?
Well, you may have been around the block a few times, but you wear your rose colored glasses on top of your head and not over your eyes. Plenty of older, experienced people are blind, and could benefit from a vision test. LOL
Who ISN'T dysfunctional? Name me one family that any of you know that doesn't have some problems? Name me one! There aren't any! We all have our crazies. Think about it...if we didn't what would we have to talk about,really?
When Kate had her kids, Jon was not working. He had been fired. So, State healthcare had to pay all the bills. they were basically penniless. It stinks, yes it does. I think the state should come back on them and sue for reimbursement. It had to be hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Anon, I think that's true to an extent. Normalcy is a fantasy. But, I've been on this planet long enough to know my family is bizarre. By anyone's standards. When I was a child, I didn't understand that. I thought crazy was normal.
Next Anon, I agree with you. Jon and Kate scammed the state's systems too. I want them to have to pay it back.
Anon #3, children are precious little things and it pains me to know some people have them just to satisfy their twisted ego, or worse, just to prove a point.
I believe children choose their parents before they are conceived. These children were forced into this world and now have to deal with the consequences of their dumbass selfish idiotic parents whom they didn't choose. But what I believe doesn't really matter. They are here now and I only wish the best outcome of this situation for them.
Anon#4, yes we all have our crazies!!!! I disowned them crazies a long time ago. Sometimes you're better off cutting all ties and living your life in peace. Once in a while I hear unsolicited info from the family princesses, but, I dismiss any gossip about them. Don't care.
I have dreams of winning the lotto and moving to an un inhabited island. Far away from them all.
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