I'm late for work, but, I want to post this real quick. See the top pic (used the old camera) ..that's a cheap Faded Glory shirt I bought yesterday. That's the kind of stuff I wear everyday. I wear neutrals, I don't like weird shit. The second pic is what my mom bought me as a surprise yesterday from Wally World. I have no problem with discount stores or even used stores, but, look at that thing! I tried it on and it's sleeveless and clings to my ample old boobage..I looked like a fucking cartoon hooker! You know what she said? She said "Awww, you're lucky you're still so young and cute!" Let me tell you something..I am neither young or cute. I am a 56 year old grand mother who wouldn't be caught dead in that thing. What's wrong with her? I could try and pawn it off on my daughter, who actually is young and cute, but, I think she has better taste than that. Does YOUR mother do shit like this???
Stop looking at my junk mess too, I'm not cleaning house to take pictures.
LOL My mother knows better than to buy me clothes!
Yes, my mom buys me the stangest stuff . She will buy my sister in law cute purses and sandals ,but she gets me kitchen gadgets that I will never use or strange books . I love her so much but if she doesn't know my taste by now ( I'm 51 ) I really would just rather have the cash :)
That is an awful excuse for a shirt. I could probably make a cute stuffed toy out of it though. :-)
You should put that on, and take a picture of yourself in a mirror with that camera you can't work.
You could wear a white cap sleeve tee under it. Or take it back and buy a good sports bra. Thats what I'd do, I dig comfy bra's.
Fuck, I gotta fix the dog, I forgot about that.
OMG! You guys, it isn't a shirt. It's a mini dress! My mother bought me a mini dress. With what appears to be....lightening bolts on it??????
you could give it to your scarecrow to wear ;-)
my mother won't believe me when i tell her i'm turning 60 next month. she honestly thinks i am lying. maybe your mother wants to wear dresses like this herself. maybe the desire to live through our children never dies, even when the children are old!
but yes, i agree with shelly. a good bra, a nice t shirt and a pair of jeans underneath might find yourself looking at a whole new garden hoe! you can call it mummy's makeover.
But it's the thought that counts, right? LMAO
I agree with Anon uptop, I would always just prefer the cash, but how do I tell my mother that without a massive guilt trip?
HaHa! Cash? Moms don't give their daughters cash! Cash is what us moms give our sons. We don't know what to get them, ever! But now a girl..we kinda know what to get her. Right? So, your mom thinks she still knows what to buy you too. I can buy anything for my daughter and she likes it, usually she loves it. I am 51 and she is 23. We shop tgth'r enough that I know her taste. And she trusts me. This "dress" is a trip girl! And the fabric looks like it's from the 70's. Hey, I shop at Goodwill alot of times, so I am not against second hand anything, well..not Anything! But this is really funny. I like the white top tho. The other one can be saved for Halloween, you can go as a 70's skank.
when i was 16 my mom bought me a dark green crushed velvet skirt, it was what was called a gored skirt. It had alot of flares to it. Ugliest thing I have ever seen in my damn life. She also got me a dark green flower embroidered sweater to wear with it. I know she paid alot of moey for that stuff but I never wore any of it. That was about 1972. I always wondered why she thought I'd wear that? All I ever wore was hiphugger jeans,clogs & turtlenecks.
re: lightening bolt mini dress...scary...omg crayola crayons!!!
My mother's going to be 84 this Thursday (I'm 47). When she isn't sleeping, she alternates between watching TV and slowly making her way to the bathroom. Her body and her mind are slowly failing her. She used to be 5'10" and 180 lbs. Now, thanks to osteoporosis and poor appetite, she is barely 5', hunchbacked and skeletal. She also suffers from dementia and needs a full-time caregiver. I remember very clearly how she used to be, always out on her bike, walking, swimming, gardening. She's a shell of the woman she used to be, and it's heartbreaking to be around her. Pat, you have no idea how much you're going to miss your mom when she's gone. She sounds like a sweet old lady, and you should cherish her, even though I know she drives you crazy. Trust me, I do relate; my mother and I had one battle royale after another back in the day, and she never even tried to understand me. But you know, it's all water under the bridge now. Even though it's misguided, your mom means well, and that's all that matters.
anon just above me with 84 year old mother. i totally agree! but, when my father died i realised that as long as we were all bitching and moaning and fighting EVERYTHING was allright. its when we are slayed with the pain of a seriously ill and dying parent that we wish you could go back to the good old days of bitching and fighting and moaning. i hope pat gets to bitch and moan over her mother for years to come because that means everything is ok.
The shirt I like. The dress not so much. My mom still likes to pick out traditional Pakistani clothes for me. But I only have to wear them once to make her happy and then I can toss them in a suitcase and never wear them again.
(did you get my e-mail? i know it was bad but you asked so i answered honestly.)
thank you Pat for finishing up my day - it is almost midnight here and I am off to bed - but smiling the whole way now lol.
You poor thing lol. I guess a mother always things their children are young and hip? lol
Actually my mom had awesome taste in clothing and many many times she would pick all these clothes off the rack and we would argue, cuz I thought they were hideous and she made me go try them on and pretty much every time, they really looked good on me and suited me - she seemed to know.
BTW I like your top and I know which one is the top lol. It looks really comfy, and cool and as far as the other one goes - I guess Lissa could use it for dress up lol.
LOL..I'm glad other people have the same problem. Mom's who buy weird inappropriate clothes. She knows I like dresses, I wear them to work, but, not 19 year old hooker chick clothes. Even if I wore a T under it..that's still elastic about the boobs! Shit.
Naseem I keep looking for your email. I left a message at your site.
I resent the e-mail to the new e-mail address let me know if you get it. Check your spam folder just in case it got tossed in there.
I got it. What an incredible story you have and thank you for sharing it with me. I hope you got my reply.
I agree..You should dress the scarecrow for the summer! ROFL
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