Every time you make a garden, you see things you wish you'd done differently. My big screw up this year was letting Daisys grow in my Annual bed. I figured three plants couldn't hurt, right? And they'd be done blooming by the time the Annuals came on. I completely ignored the survival instincts of Daisy's. I'm fond of them. I couldn't kill them. Now they're huge and drooping over my poor Zinnia's and Four O Clocks. It pisses me off. I tried tying them with string. There are baby Daisys everywhere, look at that middle pic. There are Daisys growing in the cracks of the cement and all over the lawn. I moved that middle one, started a new bed just for Daisy's, but, I already have a Daisy bed! The thing is....I knew better. I piss myself off. Now I have a shitload of unnecessary work because of my own brain fart. Sometimes you have to be ruthless in gardening. I am going to become a Daisy serial killer.
I wish I had your problem. I can't grow anything!!!
I got myself some minature shasta daisies - they only grow about 12 inches. They stay in nice, tidy clumps and you can divide them every 3 years. I could send you some seeds in the fall but I don't think you can mail 'em accross the border.
Where ya from? Curious. I think it would be really fun to save diff seeds and trade them with people.
Southwestern Ontario...not too far from Detroit, really. I love the minis, because I like daisies, but I have no tolerance for plants that get "leggy" and floppy.
I did that mistake with my daisies too actually lol, and I am just waiting to replant them somewhere else once they finish their year - but man - they do go everywhere - same as Lamb's ears (well that is what I call it anyways)
just make beautiful daisy bouquets out of them :)
I did that with mint. I had to dig up an entire bed to get it all up. It took over everything. It smelled nice, but dang!
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