BeeBee has a cubby hole here in the desk. There's an old tissue box back there she keeps her treasures in. Today she entertained herself by stealing a whole bowl of grapes and hiding them, one by one, in her tissue box. Then she moved on to the ashtray and finally stole my water bottle. It wouldn't fit in the box. I wonder if all rats are pack rats? She amuses me greatly. I think she has the funniest cartoon face. Is she getting bigger, do you think?
she does look bigger!! That is so adorable! My hamster takes all of his food and drags it to his bed corner in his cage. He was so sad looking today though. I think he's dying.. :(
He's so cute. My kids had a hampster who liked to steal tissues and hide them behind his cage, when they brought him out to play.
Very cute. Can you train rats to poop in just one area, or do they do it wherever they want?
My cats would eat Bee for breakfast. I think it is cool that she hangs out when you are working.
Mags, BeeBee is house trained..or trained to a corner of her cage and she will let me know if she has to go. She's never once had an accident. She did that herself, I think she's just a naturally clean animal. If I get lazy and don't clean her cage for a couple of days, she will sleep up in her hammock and give me dirty looks.
Sorry about your pet, Corina.
And Heidi, my daughters cats play with her rat. They're buddies.
I was just thinking, I DO spend a lot of time with her.Her cage is right by the computer and I can open the door and make little bridges for her to get over to me. I also have a set of baskets here on the wall she can climb. Since I sit here most of the day..maybe that's why she's so smart? She's rarely alone and she seems to understand many words.
Pat you never cease to amaze me.... love ya dearly my friend..
Hi Nadine! Long time no see, huu?
I love it! I love all animals, even rats (tame ones)....They say Rats are very smart pets and make good companions. Now I want one after hearing your story.
I spelled my own name wrong...shows where my head is today. Geeeze!
LOL! I do that too. Yeah, I think rats really are smart. They aren't like hamsters, no offence to hamster owners, but, Bee is quite the charactor and can figure out things. She knows her name and comes when called and I don't coax her with treats. She can even go outside and she stays right with me. Her fur is soft, like a puppy. My daughter has a male rat, his fur is coarse and he's 3 or 4 times Bee's size. He gets stinky and has to have baths. They're both really sweet though. I think rats make great pets. They love you and they're easy to take care of.
BTW, Lisa K, I saw that title on the Kate post at your place and I felt like a dummy. I thought I must have been high on meds to miss it and my comment yesterday sounded retarded. Then I read and found out you changed the title because of my comment. Whew. LOL! I'm not completly crazy after all.
your rat looks like he knows what house he wants to live in and who his master is and is very happy with it lol. What a adorable pet Pat, he looks so content and I am sure no matter what kind of pet you have, if they are around you a lot, they are happier and Beebers adores you.
BTW he is damn smart too
BeeBee is a SHE. She'll be so insulted..LMAO! Yeah, she's a happy lil camper.
well damn, I had a 50/50 chance and I blew it - will you please apologize to HER for me lol.
I even looked at your post and was sure I saw the word "he" - now my eyesight is going.
Well it's the sentiments that count - right? lol.
I kind of noticed your rat has the exact same figure as Kate Gosselin. Has she had work done too?
Hi BeeBee! Ratties are sweet. Am glad she is doing well!
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