That's a Crane Fly, the photo is actual size. That thing is on here because last night they were on me. They look like a giant Mosquito. They are not uncommon, every Summer I see them, but, this year they're thick. If I open the door at night, a few of them always come inside and I have to chase them down or the thought of them in here adds to my insomnia. I can imagine laying there and nodding off and my flesh imploding and crumpling inward as they suck my blood. And yet, for some reason, I knew that was wrong.
They hang out in the flower beds. I had a minuscule moment last night when a weary brain cell kicked in and that fact came to me. They don't hang out in the garden. Only with the flowers. Curious. I started typing in descriptive words until I found them. Crane Fly..does not bite. Only eats nectar. Hmm. So that's why they like the bloomers. That's just great. Now I'll feel sorry for them, trapped in here.
Photo by Drees.
OMG! I would freak out if I saw one of those in my house or ON me. I flip when we get the huge Moth Man Prophecy Moths in the house. The big juicy ones. Omg! Shivers.
I think that's what we call skeeter hawks.
Yeah, skeeter hawks. I've heard them called that too.
I hate Moths. They gross me out. The only ones I can handle are those big hummingbird moths. They hang out in the flowers at night and are kind of cool. As long as they dont get in the house.
We get those here in New Jersey, too.I am stone-cold petrified of most all bugs, but they never bothered me much. It seemed once they got in the house they didn't last long. Can't think of what we called them.
We have a lot of them down where I live close to the swamps.
My cats love them as kitty treats. It's fun and food all-in-one :)
I always kill 'em when they get in. I figure there are way more of them than there are of me!
Some of them have pretty luminescent wings. I'm just glad to know they can't bite. I really hate most bugs. Bugs are my one fear/phobia. So, it's pretty stupid to live in Iowa..lol.
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