Nice. The video got removed. TLC or Kate? The pictures are still on the net and always will be. That whore is a child abuser.
Don't even defend the bitch here. Only ignorant people hit little kids.
Don't even defend the bitch here. Only ignorant people hit little kids.
Thanks. I'm finding more and more of this kid beating story. It's pretty bad. I guess someone called the cops..on Kate!
Kate has lost her mind.
Yet another example of how Kate believes she is above reproach. She knows the paps are there, she knows she's under intense public scrutiny, yet she feels it's fine to smack around one of her brood OUTSIDE!! She has done gone and lost her mind. Unfortunately, this is how she will always be, as she can do no wrong in her own mind. You know that the mindless, mouthbreathing followers will support this as the proper way to correct your child. I feel so sad for those kidlets...
Poor little Leah. My heart just broke for her when I saw those pictures. The way she's holding her bottom you know she knows what's coming. :(
I don't know why Kate is allowed to continue to act this way and face ZERO repercussions for her actions. She is spiralling down FAST and taking those poor kids with her.
Naseem, Kate lost her mind years
ago. We are now seeing real
evidence of her hitting her child.
CPS: ACT NOW. It is your duty.
I'm so sick of this! We knew this was going on but now there is proof!! I guess in Pennsylvania it's okay to beat your kids as long as you don't leave a mark, they don't bleed and you don't break any bones.
WTF year is this???
If I hit another adult it's called assault and I get arrested. Kate gets to hit somebody less than half her size and it's okay because she "didn't leave any marks?"
The marks left on these kids are worse than a broken arm. Bones heal. Poor kids.
As you all have probably read by now, all Leah was doing was blowing a whistle outside. Kate couldn't talk on her phone and lost it. She's lost her mind!
If it was anyone but Kate, I'd say, let's not get our knickers into a knot over nothing. Spanking is not the same as beating. Seeing how it is Kate and we've seen her slapping her husband and even Emeril Lagasse for fucks sakes and how she treats the kids in public, then I have no doubt that Kate doesn't know or care the difference.
HOWEVER, even for reasonable people there's a time to spank and a time to not spank. Spanking your kid for running out into traffic, doing something dangerous to themselves or others, okay fine. A smack on the bottom gets their attention the way a time-out never could. Spanking is supposed to be the BE-ALL and END-ALL and only reserved to make sure they will remember the limit you have just set for them.
Spanking your kid for blowing a whistle is utter freakshow bullshit. That's taking out YOUR frustrations on the kid, not a measured response to the situation. Kate is making those kids pay for the fucking trainwreck she's made her own life into and there's no excuse for that.
I'd like to see someone smash her fat ass everytime her cell phone rings and see what sort of lessons she learns.
IMO, Hitting NEVER works...
Spanking CERTAINLY works as anyone who has ever had kids who were not spoiled brats can tell you. It's a matter of WHEN and WHAT FOR. A spanking is a light smack on the clothed butt with an open hand. It's not a beating, far from it. It's used as a last straw, last resort thing. Spanking my two year old was the only way to get him to keep his bigwheel on the driveway and not on the road, for example. Nothing else worked because he didn't understand the possibility of DEATH. All he saw was a nice big space to ride around on. If he'd gotten killed on the road, it would've been MY FAULT for not setting limits in a way he could understand. And don't tell me "supervision", he was never left alone but his love of that road made me worry that if I had a stroke or something he'd have been on that road before my body hit the ground. Imagine having your kid killed in the road and then telling his father, his family, the cops and social workers "Oh I TOLD HIM not to do it. I PUT HIM IN THE CORNER and everything." Yeah well not good enough I'm afraid.
On the other hand, spanking your kid for blowing a whistle is a sign of a shitty parent.
I have 4 children, 2 are college grads working happily and successfully in their fields of choice. One is in his 4th year in college and doing well. The youngest just graduated HS as Valedictorian and is looking forward to University in the Fall.
Nice kids, stable, no arrests, no addictions,no mental illnesses or issues requiring medications, keen intellects and charming personalities.
A child is never SPOILED by a lack of corporal punishment. The only thing that SPOILS children are POOR parenting examples, actions and behaviors.
I hope this causes that trashy cunt a lot of grief. Many blogs and sites are blowing up about this. This bitch is so stressed out by the fishbowl life she's created, she can't control herself anymore. Although I think the pap's are bottom feeders, this may be the nail in her cunty coffin. We knew the spanking was going on before this, but any "wholesome" sponsor would be crazy to continue a relationship with her after these pictures. She looks like a vile demon possessed with anger and taking it out on a tiny little girl. Thats pretty low. Plus, the numbers are WAY down this week for the show. Wasn't that point of living in the front yard - to keep themselves on the covers of mags?
I shuddered when I saw that video, I almost didn't want to watch it. But you know what they say about watching a train wreck...
I couldn't believe her arms though, you could definitely see the muscle as she wound up.
I don't even want to imagine how bad it is inside the house away from the cameras.
Anon..I hear what you are saying. You are not Kate Gosselin, who parents in anger and rage. She does such unfair and unkind things to her little children, and this was just the cherry on top of her shit sunday.
She spanked her child, she didnt toss her to the ground and beat her till she was black and blue. The paps called the cops for their own reasons, to get pictures.
Please those children are far from ABUSED. What a 5 year old got out of hand, and she spanked her? PUT HER IN JAIL CHILD BEATER!! I personally dont believe in spanking, it does not teach the children anything. But guess what, thats a form of discipline. I dont know why people are making it such a big deal. Guess what, i bet your neighbor or someone down the road spanks their kids every once and awhile, better go call the police.
Im not saying this woman isnt all sorts of messed up, but come on now.
I am 51 yrs old. I have saved a newspaper article from my childhood about a little girl that was begging for a drink of water after a very severe spanking. Her mother refused her for hours. Finally, the little girl stopped asking, she had died. She was 4 years old. I still cry when I come across this & read it again.
I got spanked when I was little too. Probably why I saved the article.It's just mean as hell. Discipline is one thing, child abuse is an entirely different matter. Only bastards resort to beating on a small child. They need to go try to beat up on someone their own size, see how that turns out!!!! This isn't the 1950's anymore!
I don't agree with you anon. Kate is hitting in a rage. That's abuse. Not to mention the constant exploitation.
Roxeanne, reading things like that affect me horribly too. I try to avoid child abuse stories in the news. You were spanked? Yeah, so was I and sometimes it would get way out of hand. Some adult in a wild rage has no business going after a child. Kate looks crazy in that photo.
Yes, I was spanked, slapped, beaten with a belt, had iron skillets( 3 separate times, 3 skillets) thrown across the room at me, hot coffee thrown in my face and anything else my insane mother could find. Once because I was taking my sweet time in the bath tub and she needed to use the toilet, she busted in the door after unseccessfully trying to get in the window, I know I should have let her in but I was afraid by this time, anyways, she finally got a key & got in jerked me out into the hallway beat me soaking wet with a leather belt in front of her last ex husband. Mind you, I was 13 at the time. I was developed and well on my way to being a young woman. I got myself into my swimsuit, walked to the public pool and didn't do anything when I got stared at. I never cried, didn't wince and was never afraid for others to see. I had welts that would nowdays get a call to the police. I looked like a raw side of beef that had been tenderized beyond recognition. I didn't care. I think I wanted someone to do something, to send the damn cops down on her bitch ass. I know I was screaming for help by going out in public. I could barely walk but I went fucking public! And guess what? Not one person did a damn thing to help me. That was 1970. Needless to say I barely had a relationship with my mother the rest of my life. She just died last November and I couldn't even bring myself to attend the graveside service. Sorry, I just couldn't. Too much other shit since then made me not care. I know that makes me the damn bad guy, but I don't care. thats all true and don't think for a minute that I didn't consider killing myself during my teen years! I did. I totally fear for the Gosselin kids. Even if it's fear of themselves.
Roxanne, for my two cents--you were NEVER the bad guy. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that shit.
And Pat, that sure is a classy picture of a DAMN classy woman! I'm totally kidding, here...;). Kate NEVER fails to amaze.....
Roxanne, I am sorry it took me so long to read that. I am sorry you had to go through that. Obviously your mother had a serious problem and I wonder how you got along with her as an adult? Did you have any kind of relationship?
I have some bad stories too. I still say spanking is wrong because people do it in anger and they get carried away. Kids get hurt all the time. You got hurt and the hurt never went away. I never forgot either. My dad was the abuser in my family. He was scary. My mom just switched me. I guess everyone knows what "switching" is. I hate that shit, but, I don't really have any hard feelings against my mom for it. She wasn't right in the head. I'm glad I was able to break they cycle.
Yes... it SUCKS when kids are begging for help and no one does anything. People are chicken shits.
No, no relationship whatsoever. I moved out when I was 14 and didn't go back. I lived with my aunt until I was married. My mother was never, ever a part of my life. She never met my kids or sent them a fucking b'day card. Zero, notta. I doubt she even knew my kids names. My kids are 23 & 25. If that tella you anything. I got the switch too. We all did back then. And belts. My dad was hugger and a wonderful person. An officer in the Air Force. But he drank...duh! And was gone living in Japan for many years of my childhood and he & my mother divorced when he got back, I was 8. My mother did get me counseling when I was 8 because I took the divorce very hard, as she had blamed it all on me and I believed her. The Dr told her I would kill myself by the time I was 16. Probably getting away from her craziness saved me from doing that. My aunt totally saved my life. She just died on April 4th this year. Broke my heart. Thanks for sharing Pat. We probably grew up in much the same way. Same times, same damn rules. *sigh*...I broke the cycle too. For that I am happy.
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