So, this post isn't about my abilities..it's about a woman I met who is seriously powerful. Or crazier than me. Take your pick. She came into the shop yesterday. I was in the back and there's a bell on the front door. I heard it and the whole atmosphere of the place changed for me. The air became charged with some kind of energy I didn't recognize. She came back to my area for a reading, like I knew she would, and the energy pouring off this woman was incredible. I have this weird deal where I see energy around people, and colors. I call it auras, for lack of a better word. It could be brain damage, I'm not ruling that out, but, the fact is..I see it.
She was a pretty woman, Asian, with a bright open face..someone I knew I would like. I invited her to sit, went through the formalities and then asked her what she wanted to know. She said "I have this thing." It wasn't a question. It didn't need to be. I could see her "thing." I said, cripes, you should be reading my cards. I knew about the "thing." Hell, it was all over her. It was pouring out of her finger tips as she moved her hands in the air. This was powerful JuJu. I don't see people like that often and I'd never seen her kind of "thing." She gave it to me in my head with no real words. I knew her thing was causing her fear, I knew she wanted it gone. I knew she'd never get rid of it and had to learn to accept it because it would grow stronger after menopause. I knew it came from mitochondrial DNA, passed from her mother and her mother's mother, and so on. It also came from the ancestral land. I knew her mother was begging her to come back to the land and commune with the spirits and learn. I knew she must listen to her mother. All this was given to me with no words. She told me I was right about all of it and I had satisfied her. I said it's not my power, it's yours. She gave it to me. There was much more, but, I'll spare you. It affected me, that's what I'm trying to say.
Some people amaze me. Asian magic is frighteningly strong and so very curious and mysterious. I told her she is a reluctant witch and she says that's exactly what she calls herself. We had a few laughs after the reading and shared stories. It was fun, but, I would NEVER want to piss off that woman. Powerful JuJu there. These people walk amongst us, most of the time they go unnoticed. But, they are there. Keep your eyes and mind open.
Some may call you crazy...I call you amazing but not for your abilities but for who you are!!!
Connie aka Swamp
Thanks Swampy..hey hug the kids for me.
I ALWAYS wanted you to go into more details about what you do....It's so interesting. I'm fascinated when you give us little tid bits. Can you tell us more? Please?? I'll pay you!- Elizabeth
LOL! Sure, I'll write about it now and then. It's part of my life. The supernatural is something that just...is. At least for me. Do you read Tarot or use any other tools like that?
I've never read Tarot cards, but I've just always had very strong intuition about certain situations. It's weird and I don't know how to explain it but I always know how a certain situation will play out. I will say it out loud to friends and family and I'm always right. It's really odd. Thing is, my own life...yeah, I can never get that figured out. Thank you for agreeing to write more when you can. I'm looking forward to you, just like all of your posts. Have a nice day.
I love hearing stuff like this. I have a good friend who is a Wiccan High Priestess and she is amazing with the stuff she sees in cards and tea leaves and even little sticks she throws on a matt and reads.
She keeps trying to teach me to quiet myself and meditate but I am a born wiggler and struggle with stillness.
I think we're all blessed when we realize we're crazy and simply accept it and enjoy it.
I am certain that trees call to me and try to talk to me. I can't understand their language but I smile at them and hug them when no one is looking.
I loved reading that. Another 20 chapters for the book...
You are a walking library.
You want to hear something weird Pat?
I do not know much about you but I could just sense that about you. I seem to be attracted to people who have a six sense. They think I have it to but I do not believe it.
I am surprised to read this about you but not really. You know what I mean?
i think that is so interesting. I too would love to hear more. The supernatural and these sorts of things fasicinate me so much. thanks for sharing!
WOW that is WAY COOL!!!!!! Yes I want to know more about you too, you know, my dad and my brother are some kind of wizards. They both have the gift to read as well, even do macig, but, they have chosen not to use it. I swear my dad has this power to him, and my brother too. It's weird. I have some sort of gift, sometimes I feel the precense of intangible beings, but I haven't developed yet, and haven't really paid to much attention to it. I am surrounded by elementals in my dance class, there's an Elf (who I love very dearly), and a couple of Angels. There may be more than that. It's awesome.
If you are interested in exploring what you know you have, my suggestion is to try meditation and the tools of the trade. Try all of them, Tarot, scrying, table tapping, ouija boards, palm reading, pendulum and stone work, crystals, crystal balls, candle magic, and anything else you can find. Something will "talk" to you. With me, it just happend to be the Aquarian Tarot deck.
I am very interested. I know nothing about this stuff to even ask a question. I have always thought of that stuff as being total bullshit. I even joined, The Center For Inquiry, an international secular organization that focuses on science, reaason, and free thought. My interest in this group mainly stemmed from my concern for the seperation between church and state, and parenting from a Humanist point of view. One of the objectives of C.F.I. is debunking quackery and other claims that are not supported by the scientific method, like: tarot reading, astrolgy, paranormal, and u.f.o. hoaxes, to name a few. So, to be fair, without much thought on my own part, I sort of just lumped all that stuff together and decided it was a bunch of bull, but, now I am rethinking some of that stuff. Certainly there is no formula for making art, as it is an enigma. And for sure some are much more tuned into their intuitions. I have no problem exploring psychic abilities in that context, and giving credence to such possibilities. However, I have a real problem with psychics such as, Sylvia Brown, who told the grief-stricken parents of Sean Hornbeck's that he was dead. To the tune of $750. You can see it here, if you should care. Here
I've also always enjoyed James Randi's arguments.
Pat, I hope you do continue to post your thoughts on this, not that you have any obligation to explain anything, it's just that I have always been interested in such phenomena. Even though I fit more into the skeptics catergory, I am curious and open-minded by nature. Sorry for being long-winded.
Tell us more!! It may sound crazy but through your blogs, I feel like I've known you for years. Like seriously if I ran into you I could talk to you for hours. I love that about you, you ooze good vibes and energy.
I agree that meditation is a great way to open your inner clairvoyance. But ouija boards freak me out and I'm very big on protecting myself from negative energy, so I find comfort in protection crystals.
Now Pat my daughter asked for a Ouiji board the other day. I told her I'd think about it. I worry about those in particular. Do you think it's just a scary movie stigma about Ouiji's? I come from a long line of "sensitive" woman. It seems to have skipped me, but I did study Wicca for many years. EVERY spell we cast came true. Never anything bad, just peaceful stuff and certain men. (ha)
Pat, this is so cool, thanks for sharing! I admit, I'm a bit jealous of anyone who has any gifts of this sort--my oldest friend and I always joke that we're both so unspiritual--a ghost could sit on our heads and we'd totally be oblivious! But I am noticing a bit more that if you pay attention, those you love who've passed away can still "communicate" with you, in various ways. Maybe I just need to pay attention more. Lots to learn, huh? ;)
shmedelle, I liked what you wrote. I think people should always be skeptical...but, they should keep an open mind at the same time. Sometimes I think it's all a figment of my brain's problem. That would be logical, yet, I seem to get info and messages for people that I don't know and have never spoken to. I really don't know what it's all about. And I think as long as I don't claim to, I'll be alright.
I believe the Ouija is just a tool. It is not, in itself, evil. But, if it freaks you out, you should not bother with it. It's not the right tool for you. There are other things you can try. You have to do what you feel comfortable with. Life is not a scary movie, they always have an ending. Most paranormal experiences end with more questions.
10G, I think everyone gets things in a different way. Precogniton, dreams, feelings, actual sightings, visions, voices, smells..yes, we need to pay attention, but, that's not always possible. Life gets in the way. Maybe that's the way it's supposed to be.
"reluctant witch" - I love that! I think that would be a cool name for a blog :) btw - loved the stories and pics about Lissa's b'day. She's the tops :)
Just got through the posts and wanted to comment...
something about Ouija has always creeped me out. It feels too much like a portal to me, like I'm leaving the door open. Maybe I've just seen too many horror movies. I've always been intrigued by Tarot, and have owned multiple decks and did a lot of studying/readings with them. I got rid of them a few years ago when I moved though.
This is fun to read. Thanks, everyone, for the reminder; I'm going to go meditate now :)
Pat is definitely AMAZING... when we met we "thought" we had instant hate for each other but it didn't work out that way.... our spirits met and we CLICKED....
the more all of you get to know Pat the more you will love/admire and seek her friendship... she's one of those special people that you meet once in a great while during your life...
Wow dd you are fucking crazy! I love it! I admire you for it! I wish you could read my aura, in person that is. I wonder how many people I walk past everyday with this juju you speak of? I've always believed in something and experienced oddities in our environment growing up, I could always feel something...not so much anymore, that is, I'm not afraid of my environment anymore....maybe just accepting of the souls that live here. Two people that I know of have died here in my home. Anyway, its no big deal...my curiosity will most likely go unanswered for years to come. Maybe if you come out to California ever again...you can stop by Bakersfield lol :D
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