It's been three days since I've been in the garden or even glanced at it. I've been busy with people. We have out of town relatives (my mom is giving unannounced tours of my house, stfu), there was Lissy's birthday and work has been busy too. I've been on people overload. Today was the first day I could get out there and I waited until 6 pm because the heat is bruuuuuuuuuuuuutal.
Geez Louise..look at that! The corn is almost as tall as me and now blocks out the neighbors (ha) but, wow, I planted a lot of corn. Geesh. The sunflowers are 7' high. There's small Zuhcini's laying eveywhere. The watermelons have gone insane and now have developed 15' foot runners. Onions are the size of my fist. Tomato's are so abundant they're weighting down the plants. Spinich has gone to seed. I have to go deal with this. I have to get out there and harvest some of it and water. This will only be the second time I've had to water it. Not so bad, I guess, but, it takes a lot of hose. Pain in the ass.
Geez Louise..look at that! The corn is almost as tall as me and now blocks out the neighbors (ha) but, wow, I planted a lot of corn. Geesh. The sunflowers are 7' high. There's small Zuhcini's laying eveywhere. The watermelons have gone insane and now have developed 15' foot runners. Onions are the size of my fist. Tomato's are so abundant they're weighting down the plants. Spinich has gone to seed. I have to go deal with this. I have to get out there and harvest some of it and water. This will only be the second time I've had to water it. Not so bad, I guess, but, it takes a lot of hose. Pain in the ass.
I hate the sun. I hate it. The garden has some real weeds now too, but, I figure it will be okay. The veggies have a good head start. Aggg! I have to move all my potted herbs to the shade too or lose them. Isn't it astounding what the garden can do in three lousy days??
I hate the sun. I hate it. The garden has some real weeds now too, but, I figure it will be okay. The veggies have a good head start. Aggg! I have to move all my potted herbs to the shade too or lose them. Isn't it astounding what the garden can do in three lousy days??
I'm in the same neck of the woods as you. It is a sweaty bitch here.
Have you resorted to sticking your face in the freezer yet?
Your garden is flourishing beautifully!
I would think it would be warmer now, but, it's 61 and partly cloudy. It's been windy today, so it's comfortable, I have the screen door on (we have skeeters).
Get a cotton t-shirt and submerge it in cold water, roll it and wrap it around your neck while working outside. You'll feel the difference.
Aggg! I can't stay out there long. I got it watered and picked some. I'm eating a sandwich, lunchmeat and cheese with fresh tomato and bib lettuce and onions! Yum, dang, it's good.
Thanks Meissa..good idea. Shmedelle, where are you at? You in Mo? Like a jungle here, huu?
The skeeters are like a grey cloud following you. Nasty boogers. The tomatos are really worth the work. Dang!!! So good.
I don't think anyone else around here has ripe tomatos yet. I got over excited and planted REALLY early. Usually that's a mistake, but, this year, it's worked out. Oh, and I just now saw turnips big enough to cook. I think I'll pick some for Mom. And a bowl of salad stuff. She's been not a pain in my ass today. That's rare.
I'm in MO. Not far from K.C., I go to K.C. for my kids physical therapy. A couple of ppl died the other day 'cause they had no AC and their little house got to 120 degrees. Too hot here to even take the kids to the pool. My kids are fair and one is a redhead, gotta be so careful they don't burn.
Ok, so I was just sitting here really thinking about everything you have growing in your garden and Holy Shit!! I want to eat all of your fresh fruits and vegetables!!! Does anybody ever try to sneak in your garden and steal all that delicious shit?? No offense, I would. Just Kidding.
Hey, my daughter lives in a twon outside of KC. I'm about 10 miles from the Mo. line and I went to school at Northwestern Mo. State. Good art program there. Yeah, it's too hot to live, but, that's the midwest. We have such bizarre weather.
LOL, no, no one sneaks back there, my place isn't really visible from the street and it's all fenced. I plan on sharing with the neighbors who don't garden. Most everyone does though, around here.
I wish my garden would look half as nice as yours. Only a few things grew and it's been like 2 months already. Tomatos, peas, lettuce, and that's about it. Do you use any special plant food?
Naa, just good old Iowa dirt. I have a compost pile going now though for next year.
I'm so freaking jealous...I live in the northeast coast region and we struggle to hit 70 most days.
It's been rainier than London for the past month...
My impatiens flowers are doing fine but everything else is slowww.
I'll be lucky to have ripe tomatoes any time before the end of July if this keeps up...
My Impatiens are gone. So are the Begonias. Even in the shade they can't take this heat and rain. They melted. Like, not even wilted, they liquified. It's creepy. So did a couple of cabbages.
i hear you nina! i'm in boston.. yesterday was the first time we saw the sun in like 12 days or something like that??? the rain makes a return tomorrow until next wed or thurs. i can't take it anymore! i am so glad i was lazy this year and didn't do a garden.. i'd be frusterated beyond belief!
I wouldn't know how to garden in your area. I'd have to learn all over again. I'll bet it's very different.
Boston anon,I'm about 2 hrs. North of you.
We finally got sun yesterday and today we're getting thuderstorms with quarter size hail, damaging winds, dangerous lightening and we're still not going to hit 80 degrees but it's muggier than a steam bath.
Pat we're not gardening up here. We go out and have fantasies that the drowned, green stubs sitting in the mud may actually produce something more than slug food.
I have never seen a melted impatiens before...sounds almost scarey. Ours bloom until well into Sept. If we get 4 or 5 days in the 90's we're lucky.
The ocean looks great when these wild storms go through. I love watching the lightening dance over the water too. Makes a great show!
I'll have to steal some veggies when I come home next. (taps fingers together in evilish way) :)
You can have anything you want. And you never stole a thing in your life...lol.
But, Nina, you have the sea! That's got to be some wild harvest.
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