These pots are sitting right outside the front door. The two earthenware pots contain herbs. Basil and Pineapple Sage. I planted herbs in the garden, but, these pots are for my nose. Every time I open the door I get the smell of them real heavy. I have a good sense of smell, sometimes as I sit in here at the computer, I can smell them through the door. The Lantana has a sharp smell too. Mixed together it's really nice. It's calming. The more varieties of herbs I find, the better.
I think everyone has figured out by now that I deal with a lot of dysfunction and drama and just plain craziness. I can't get away from it. All I can do is look for moments of peace and tranquility. The herbs help. When I started planting herbs, my intention was to learn to cook with them. I had no idea the smell could affect my mood. I think it must be a form of aroma therapy.
aromatherapy rocks!!!
plant some lavendar too!!!
aromatherapy is amazing. The smell of jasmine tea always relaxes me so much. Mint is supposed to be invigorating, lavendar relaxing. Smells can really impact the way you feel.
I feel like I have a scratch and sniff monitor! My grandma used to have a bunch of herbs growing around her front door also, thinking about that smell brought back fond memories. It's funny the way some things stick to ya.
jeez maybe i need to plant some herbs to deal with my stress and dysfunction....either that or just dump my husband
I love basil, the smell just relaxes me and makes me hungry. It reminds me of my first house we owned. I planted basil by the steps on the porch. Everytime I let the dog back in, she would brush by it and come in smelling nice.
I should do something like that.
All I know, is it's the smell of Rosemary, Basil, Tarragon and Sage that calms me. Flower smells are nice, but, they don't do that to me.
I get the same effect from a freshly-opened bag of Doritos.
Maybe you really do. Food smells are sometimes assosiated with childhood too, I'm told, and they can trigger good memories and feelings of well being.
Herbs do smell so good, look good, and taste good.
I have a large pot of chives on the patio. I was lazy last year and did not empty out the pot in the fall. Guess what? Fresh new growth this year.
The best thing I ever planted and loved to smell was russian sage. Mine died so I need a new one. It's actually a kind of bush shrubby thing. It's amazing. When i'd just brush by it, it released it's fabulous aroma. If you dont have one yet, you should try it. It will come back for years. A particularly bad winter finally killed mine along with my butterfly bush. Herbs are best planted in pots, they will take over if they are left to roam. Mints are esp notorious for that.
dear anon...*about the husband...I hear ya'!!!
GH, so right. Flowers are nice but herbs are naturally calming. Feeling calm is much better, who doesn't want to feel calm these days?
rosemary is good to smell for your head---can give you peace, focus thinking, etc...
Hi Pat!
I read somewhere that scents are actually stronger memory triggers than photographs for some people. A scent can take a person back to an exact memory of a time and place!
Hey anon...maybe if you PLANT the husband, you'll feel better! HA!
yeah that's it! I'll plant him.GOODBYE EARL!
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