Monday, June 15, 2009

Garlic Whistles?

This video was very informative to me. I told you my Garlic is making loops and seed. I found out why and what to do. I planted my Garlic from seed last year, not bulbs. I know! I couldn't find anyone else on the whole net who planted it from seed. I didn't do it to take the hard road, I did it because I have to plant with what's available to me..and sometimes, that isn't much in this rural hillbilly corn patch. I hope this video helps someone else too.


Nina said...

Wow!! I need to plant some just to get the whistles to put in a stir fry recipe. I lOVE garlic!

I am learning SO much in here.

Anonymous said...

hey DD, i was thinking about you earlier today. (is that creepy i think of somebody during the day that i don't even know??) anyhow.. was just following up on your kidney stones. hoping you passed them and are feeling much better!

PeggyAnn said...

yummm.... saute them with a little olive oil? Sounds wonderful!!!

Hollywoodite said...

anon; I don't think it's creepy. Whether we know DD/gardenhoe/Pat personally or not, whether we're new to her blog/s or have been with her since the beginning, I'm sure most of us are concerned for her well-being and have been keeping her in our thoughts since the beginning of her painful ordeal.

How ya doing, Pat? Update time! (please)

gardenhoe said...

I'm feeling much better. I never did find that ..thing. Tired of looking for it and gave up. I think of you guys too, ya know.

Heidi said...

i think i know what i am planting next year.
Glad to hear your foray into urine inspection is over!

Pat said...

Heidi, according to all I've read, you plant Garlic in the fall. You can go for it this year!