Gawd! Talk about a mess. Now we find out that not only are Michael's children not Debbie Rowe's, but, they aren't biologically Michael's either. I mean, we all pretty much figured MJ wasn't their bio dad, but, who's their mom? So, the two older kids are in the same genetic quandary as poor Blanket. Will they ever find out where they came from? That stuff messes with your head.
Then you can top off this crap fest by giving them to MJ's mom to raise. He left his dad out of the will, for good reason, but, the dude is still with his mom, right? And that means Joe will be raising the kids. It's enough to make you puke. Joe fucked up MJ beyond human endurance and now he's going to get his slimy mitts on Michael's kids. Michael's mom is an old lady, how long will she be around? And is anyone protecting their money? MJ is said to have approximately 200 million after his debt. That's not chump change. When Michael Jackson is broke, it's not the same as when I'm broke.
Then you can top off this crap fest by giving them to MJ's mom to raise. He left his dad out of the will, for good reason, but, the dude is still with his mom, right? And that means Joe will be raising the kids. It's enough to make you puke. Joe fucked up MJ beyond human endurance and now he's going to get his slimy mitts on Michael's kids. Michael's mom is an old lady, how long will she be around? And is anyone protecting their money? MJ is said to have approximately 200 million after his debt. That's not chump change. When Michael Jackson is broke, it's not the same as when I'm broke.
I can't even imagine the life those kids were leading. My impression was that it was privileged, but, bizarre and now it's going to get worse. I can not imagine another generation being raised by Michael's parents. The whole thing depresses me. Three lost children, orphaned, not knowing who the hell they really are, fights over money that will probably be pissed away and a heaping helping of Joe. This can't end well.
I haven't heard that the two older kids aren't Debbie Rowe's. Interesting!
I just heard that the bio-dad is MJ's dermatologist. WTF????
What kind of "facials" was that doctor performing???
Yep. And I have a problem with Joe and Katherine raising 3 white kids. Normally it wouldn't matter to me, but, they fucked up Michael so bad he turned himself white. I have to wonder why he did that?? He could blame it on some disease all he wanted to, I aint buying it. He fucked up his face so bad his nose fell off, so I think he made himself white too. And then he bought 3 white kids. Now those kids are going right back to the source of MJ's fuckery.
I couldn't agree more. Joe Jackson is the devil.
i remember reading something a year or so ago that joe basically lives his own life in vegas now and katherine lives on her own....
I'm sending you an email with the real dads pic.
MJ was a mad genious. He was mad. Nothing he did was normal. NOTHING!
Joe does not live with his wife, they are still married. They all went to Vegas last winter to celebrate their parents 60th wedding anniversay. Michael was there as well. MissTia heard what I did. He lives in another state, away from those that hate him. Hope he goes back & stays there. You know he's going to try to ramrod the whole thing. Try to get the estate for himself etc. He's should have died, not Michael. How is that fair? Those poor little white kids dont stand a chance there or with Debbie it's gonna be a circus for their entire lives.
MJ's worth on paper is set at $1 billion. He owed $400 million. That leaves alot. He mortgaged his assets but still owns much. How else do you think he kept his ranch & lived like he did? He's going to be making a bo-jillion dollars every year forever now and he won't be blowing it anymore. Hopfully his family won't get to either. They have lived in the same house since the late 60's-70's. You know they own that. It's not a house, it's a compound which to me implies that many smaller homes are there as well, where many Jackson's abide. 3 more now. The 3 that could OWN the entire joint!!!
sadly, not being his children, not his DNA. So, no talented offspring. Maybe they had piano lessons etc. Who knows where their talent lies? Maybe in finance? Maybe in running a record company? They will be able to whatever they choose to do. They are very fortunate in many ways. Thats something we can be positive about. As long as they don't get raised as Jehovah's Witnesses, they got it made. That is what fucked up that family at the beginning, way before the J5. It fucks up everyone it touches. Ask me. I know , 1st hand experience.
Joe Jackson is an arrogant old bastard. He thinks he is so cool with the loop in his ear, even has to have someone tell him what to say cause he has shit for brains. He is not mourning Michael. According to various reports, they had been estranged for many years. He is making a show for the cameras, can't wait to get his hands on the millions that might not be owed to debt collectors. The only thing good aboout him is his age, he may be the next one to keel over and bite the dust.
I have a major problem with two senior citeizens raising 3 young kids!!!
Joe Jackson ("is she really going out with him? - - oh, wrong Joe Jackson) looks like pure evil.
Where are the brothers and sisters in this equation?
Shit, I would pick LaToya over Joe any day.
Correct me if I am wrong because I heard this on the radio yesterday..
It said that Michael made a catalog of unreleased music and recordings. He did this for his children so that they could make money off of them for years to come.
Okay, now I read that Debbie Rowe's attorneys are are claiming she IS the bio mom of the two older children, but, MJ was not the father. She's weird, I don't trust her. The Jackson mess and mystery. When will the movie come out?
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