Clarcon Biological Chemistry Laboratory Inc. of Roy, Utah, issued a voluntary recall of some skin sanitizers and skin protectants marketed under several different brand names, the FDA said in a statement.
Consumers should not use any Clarcon products and should throw them away, the FDA said."
If you use hand sanitizer or antimicrobial skin products, you should check HERE to see if you have a bottle of bacteria. According to the article, the bacteria is a kick ass variety that can cause infection to the point of surgery and permanent damage. I don't know about you, but, that grossed me out. How the hell did it get in the products?
I don't use hand sanitizer, because there's something about it that seems creepy to me. I don't know what it is exactly, but, I'd rather just wait and wash my hands. I remember episodes of Jon and Kate plus 8 where she didn't teach the kids to wash after pottying (and she was in her own damn house!) and she handed them all some kind of hand sanitizer, for the camera, of course. I remember thinking, how gross and when the camera isn't there, they probably don't wash their hands. Which has nothing to do with anything, I'm just remembering that gross fact that stuck in my head. Just wash your hands, man. Use home made soap, is possible, then you know exactly what's in it. Even better. I swear, you can't trust anyone in big business. Just running water will remove most bacteria.
The only thing that's grossed me out as much as this story was contaminated infant formula. WTF is wrong with people?? Oh, yeah. Money. People think I'm just a paranoid old radical who thinks everone plots against us. It's because they do.
Hey, I'm a paranoid, middle-aged radical, so I'm with ya! ;) Yes, corporate America has definitely taken the Gordon Gekko philosophy ENTIRELY too much to heart. Fuck humans, make dollars....lovely.
I find it sickening that the company let this shit go out. They had to know. They just don't care. They forgot to make their payment to the FDA though. Tsk.
The less we depend on corporate branded products (and fucking China) the better. I wish everyone would do it, we'd be so much more comfortable.
So true!
I do not use the stuff. Just wash your hands. Get some Dial pumps next to you sink.
If you have no soap available, some hot water and a clean paper towel will do just fine and dandy.
DD, (sorry not sure what else to call you!)..a few years ago, in the city i live in, a seafood processing plant was warned by the health dept that it wasnt following proper procedures and that dangerous bacteria was in the food they were producing...the manager of the plant did NOTHING about it and continued to allow the shellfish to be sold..
Well a pregnant woman bought and ate one of their products and the bacteria in it made her so sick that the twins she was carrying died inutero. Was quite a big scandal at the time...manager was prosecuted but didnt go to jail. And of course what was the reason he did nothing about the problems??? money. always is.
Liz from NZ - isn't it kind of common knowledge that you should not consume seafood when you are pregnant? Regardless, what happend there is relly sad....
Yes i agree it is common knowledge not to eat shellfish due to the fact there is a SMALL risk.. (the shellfish the woman ate was cooked so under normal circumstances should of been okay) However the problem was that the manager of the plant knew that potentially lethal bacteria was DEFINITELY present and production should of been stopped. Does that make sense?
oops above comment was from LizfromNZ xox
My name is Pat, Liz. What an awful story. How could that manager risk someone's life like that? How can he live with himself?
some times it isnt possible to be at a sink to wash your hands. I drive a school bus and use hand sanitizer all the time. Sorry, but they dont make school buses with running water.
A nurse once told me that it isn't actually the antibacterial stuff that kills germs, but more the action of rubbing your hands together that does-the friction kills most of them, not the alcohol.
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