I was thinning a row of Turnips and throwing armloads of them in the compost pile when I thought about Turnip Greens. You know, you always hear them mentioned in novels about the South and slave days. I've never had them, but, I though, what the heck? I'll try most anything once. So I cooked up a mess of them with butter, salt, lemon pepper and garlic and threw in some green onion tops. Man, they were delicious. Next year I'm planting loads of Turnips, just for the greens. It was a pain in the ass inspecting each leaf, but, I didn't find anything. I was laughing at Naseem's blog the other day, she was talking about her home grown lettuce not being as enjoyable after she found a worm in the sink. LOL..I know! But, hey, you know that stuff they sell in the store is a bag of feces and I think a worm is probably better for you. I'm glad I didn't find any though.
That second pic is where the Mosquitoes got me while I was mowing. I swear, I have a wild area out back that's like a swamp. Nothing grows there but Nettles and giant Skeeters. I know it's gross and it's surprisingly hard to take a photo of your own back. Try it.
Man, this southern girl loves some collard greens and turnips.
I prefer collards to turnips though.
Sorry about the mosquito bites DD. I know all too well about them, especially living here in the south! They should be our state insect!
I'm debating whether I will eat anything else that grows in the garden. That worm was so gross!
That's a lot of mosquito bites..I have been lucky enough not to have been bit yet. I had my share when I was in Pakistan. Those things will eat you alive.
Hey anon, I don't really know what collards are. I'm in Iowa here and we specialize in in fam cookin'. Can you help me out and explain them?
Naseem, like I said, it's better to pick through your own home grown stuff than eat that supermarket stuff. That bagged lettuce smells like garbage when you open it. I'll bet that one worm was just that..one lone worm.
Yards can be hostile...I was watering my garden this morning and got attacked by hysterical ants. One of them latched onto the top of my toe and the full force of the hose didn't discourage its resolve to kill me. The others were just as intent.
I'll give it another try. The lettuce from my garden was so fresh and green. It was just one little worm. I should get it over it. :)
Hey DD, it's the southern girl.
Collards are very similar to turnips as far as texture and color. Most people, including myself, prefer them to turnips. I think turnips taste stronger than collards. We usually have them on New Years along with our black eyed peas.
You should go buy some and try them.
One of my best friends is a Southern Belle and she taught me to make mustard greens with onions and a bit of bacon...OMG too die for!! Now i'm hungry...
These things sound so good. They don't sell anything like that around here. I guess I could order some seeds off the net for next year though. Hey, I might even learn to cook if I keep growing things!
Frimmy, ants are driving me crazy. I sprayed today and then left for work. Then I got worried about my rat so I came home. She's fine, but, it still stinks in here. Lissa and I have found so many ant hills this year.
My father in law got us that "OFF" personal fan. Thing works like a charm. We live in the woods here in WA and there's skeeters everywhere in the summer, and they attack mercylessly when we take Neo for walks. The fan works, keeps them away for the most part. I don't know what's in it and don't want to know, so don't hate on me for not being on the organic bandwagon! :)))
I'm sorry if using two names on here is confusing anyone. Some people still call me DD. I don;t know wtf my name is! LOL!
Collard greens are beyond yummy. You have to clean them well to get all the dirt and sometimes sand out. Then you cut out the spines. My MIL makes the best! She uses ham hocks for flavor.
Oh YES! and we are going to her house at the end of the month. Mouth is watering already!
Has anyone seen that blender thingy that Montel Williams is hawking on the half hour infomercials? Its better than a juicer because you don't loose your fiber. I need to do something, my immune system is way out of whack.
Naseem, have you tried just picking the outer leaves of lettuce? (maybe with gloves) You can give them a quick shake or rinse before you put them in your harvest basket. I would hate to see great homegrowns go uneaten.
And thanks for the heads up on the Off fan, I too live in the woods, and it seems like all the gnats and mosquitoes prefer my eye sockets and nostrils. I usually spray a baseball cap with bug spray so I don't put it directly on my skin.
Pick the nettles (wear gloves, no stems) and steam or boil until they are bright green and wilty. All the stingers will dissolve when they cook and they are better than any greens you can imagine. Also they are wicked healthy and will clean a lot of allergins out of your system.
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