Part of my Pumpkin Patch. I have about 12 spots of these. They wind around the big compost pile, around the burn pile and they are under a huge old Walnut tree. Pumpkins are not supposed to tolerate shade. All the "experts" will tell you that. But, these plant's continue to look quite happy there. Will they produce? I think so, they are quite capable of sending out runners to find the sun. If they don't..what have I lost? Nothing. That's the cool thing about gardening. Man, you don't have to do what anyone tells you. You can do whatever you want. You can try anything, hey, it just might work. If it doesn't, big deal, you'll know not to do that next year.
And I planted them really late..they were an after thought. That's why they're small. They should take off now. Lissa helped plant them and she loves watching them.
I always loved taking the kids to go pick punkins in the Fall. The kids are all grown now and hubs and I still go pick them in the Fall, maybe we were going for us all along and just took the kids along... LOL
Don't you love the way Pumpkins look and feel? And the colors! I think everyone loves Punkins.
Get your yardstick out, girl!
It's always nice to see a new item from your garden. I am so happy you share with us!
I like watching your garden too, Naseem.
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