I was hoping we could all sit outside and have the cake, but, it's brutally hot here. Lissa got a little brownie cake and I bought her a jar of sprinkles which she's been putting on everything. And a load of chocolate ice cream. We shared it with Aunt Casey and Uncle Dan and....poor Rocko just got sprinkles. Aunt Casey told Lis dogs can't have chocolate. How mean! He got dog biscuits though. I thought the poor dog was going to faint from anticipation and the smell of cake. He hung over Lis, sniffing and slobbering and at one point she yelled "Hey, I got dog rain drops on me!" They were both pretty well behaved today. Well, it's still her birthday, I'd better go. I promised I'd play with her all day. More later...if I survive. There's nothing like little happy kids and sweet dogs to make you feel good, right? And how can you have a decent white trash birthday party without a pitbull, an old towel for a table cloth and a kid that needs hosed off at the car wash? Yeee haw.
It looks like she is having fun on her special day! I love how the dog is sitting there just begging Lissa to drop some cake, but is sweet enough to take the sprinkles. Happy Birthday Lissa!
Awww!!! Happy Birthday Lissa!!!!
She's such a big girl!!! AWWWWW!!!
you must be so proud!!!! She is so beautiful, you are a lucky gramma!!!
>dies from cute overload<
DD I'm happy you got the new camera to work. I was out all weekend and couldn't respond to the "don't work" reply. Seems you were right, and there was probably a software problem with it, so it was easier to get a new one instead of struggle with that one.
I need to send you some sunday pics, my MIL's garden and her earthboxes, and the cats. Today Shadow caught his elebenty mouse and was outside being very vocal about it, and Neo and I heard him. Oh, Neo caught his first mouse a couple of weeks ago! He left it as a present next to the hubby's side of the bed. Thanks Neo! LOL!!!
Well that explains why Liss is so darn cute! She shares my birthday. Happy birthday Liss.
Oh yeah! Sprinkles are a little girls' dream come true, look how cute they are..
Happy birthday, Lissa! :)
Fun fun. I hope Lis rubbed chocolate frosting all over her face!!
So cute!
Glad you got to spend your grandaughter's birthaday with her after all. My grandson and I had sprinkles on ice cream cones tonight. We have a boardwalk in my town, sort of a giant carnival but permanent.There is a store called Kohr Bros.,they have the best soft, swirled ice cream. Love to see it melted all over his sweet face!
Cute! She looks so happy, she deserves it. The look on the dog's face is cracking me up.
How cute! Awwww!! What a cute little redhead.L
LOL,Hazel has that exact chair!Think i got it at target. Happy Birthday! 5 is a great age.
Happy Birthday Lissa! Hope all your wishes come true! I'm a lover of brownie cakes. Put a piece in the micro for a few seconds and top it with ice cream and I fell like Scooby with a Scooby snack. i feel like I fly up in the air and my feet do a happy dance.
Lissa, I have a pitbull like Casey's. We call them a Red Nose Boudreaux. Ours is 81 lbs. and his name is Reef---but we call him puppy. He thinks he's a chihuahua and likes to sit in our laps. I can't eat chocolate around him. His pitiful eyes break my heart!
Pat, hope you didn't get to worn out today. By the way, I like the blouse that your mom bought for you. It could be the start of a great Mardi Gras costume. For some reason I think you would fit right into New Orleans and Mardi Gras.
Le bon temp roulez----LET THE GOOD TIME ROLL!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lissa..... I know you had a great one at grandma's house with aunt Casey visiting etc.... Your cake looks yummy.... and I think Rocko thought so too.... hugsssssssssssssssss
Aww i just love reading about Lissa...she is so lucky to have you in her life :)
Happy Birthday Lissa :)
& to mine, like I've posted in previous years....turned 4 today :)
happy birthday lis. wow another cancerian. its a busy time of the month for me. i turn 60, my husband turns 57, my son turns 26, one son in law turns 34, another 45, my closest friend 48, her son 7, and my sons best friend 26. have i missed any cancerians there? hope not. anyway, lots of parties coming up.
happy birthday lis! It's hard to believe she's only 5 after what i've read.. very mature for her age! love the pitbull too... looks like he can't wait for her to walk away for a few seconds :P
happy birthday lis!!! may everyday be covered in sprinkles!!!
Thanks guys. We had a great day. Lis is still sleeping off the choco high.
What a great picture. My friend has a pit bull just like that; a sweet noble dog that scares himself in the mirror. Happy B-Day Lissa.
<3 this is sweet. bless you both.
awww nice pictures. The dog looks so intense lol. I love the 1st picture of Alissa, poor dog is sitting so pretty waiting for that cake.
Those are the best kind of pictures Pat, natural and enjoying a special day.
Yeah, he's a sweet dog. Pitbulls get such an undeserved rap.
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