I'm really sick of them. I'm convinced the stupid rule the world. The world is just one big beat up bowling alley and a giant beer fart. Do I think flashing cooter and smoking a doob makes you a bad parent? No, sorry, not where I come from. There are worse things. The trouble is, Jon and Kate do most of the worse things too. In abundance. Then they have the nerve to gather in free millions with their sob story about two Christian parents stuck raising their mistakes and "doing the best they can." And everything they do is "for their kids." Really? How can anyone defend them and still continue to be a fan of these awful people?
I'm really sick of them. I'm convinced the stupid rule the world. The world is just one big beat up bowling alley and a giant beer fart. Do I think flashing cooter and smoking a doob makes you a bad parent? No, sorry, not where I come from. There are worse things. The trouble is, Jon and Kate do most of the worse things too. In abundance. Then they have the nerve to gather in free millions with their sob story about two Christian parents stuck raising their mistakes and "doing the best they can." And everything they do is "for their kids." Really? How can anyone defend them and still continue to be a fan of these awful people?
Daddy is a drunken immature pot head who can't keep his dick in his pants. Mom has narcissistic disorder and rages on a regular basis. They're both ignorant as hell and can't even master the English language. And to top it off, they're mean. Mean to the kids they claim they love. And not even normal mean, like, stressed out and cranky once in awhile. They're just plain mean. Kate is evil. When you plot against your own children in premeditated nastiness..that's just plain evil.
Daddy is a drunken immature pot head who can't keep his dick in his pants. Mom has narcissistic disorder and rages on a regular basis. They're both ignorant as hell and can't even master the English language. And to top it off, they're mean. Mean to the kids they claim they love. And not even normal mean, like, stressed out and cranky once in awhile. They're just plain mean. Kate is evil. When you plot against your own children in premeditated nastiness..that's just plain evil.
Make some more millions off your kids, Jon and Kate. Sell some more nudies of them for pervs to wack to. Set them up to fail. Laugh at them. Count your money. Nothing is illegal, it seems. No one's looking out for the people exploited the most. Their own parents don't care. Why should I? Because the whole thing pisses me off and depresses me. I think I'd take my own fucked up childhood over what the Gosselin kids have to grow up in. And to any of you who know about my fucked up childhood..that's saying a lot. But, at least my shit isn't on film, forever, for the whole world to see. Those kids have no chance at all of becoming normal adults. And people who defend Jon and Kate are even more fucked up.
I actually vomited while tying that. I have a headache, but, I think the thought of more child abuse made me sick. I'm so sick of those people and their fucked up fans! Be good to your kids, that's all any of us can do.
I'm so sick of these two. I'm thinking that the next "scandal" will be that Jon is operating a "farm."
I'm still waiting for Kate to make some racial slur.
If Jon and Kate were shooting heroin, in the drive-way, with the kids watching, would authorities step in or is it a parents' right to shoot drugs in front of their kids?? I don't know the laws but if it's okay to spank your kids could you also blow pot smoke in their face to calm them down?
The sad thing is, no one can help those kids have a normal childhood or life.
Right now the best that can be done is to guard the edges and try to keep them from substance abuse, violence and suicide as they grow.
The fans love to go on about all the benefits they've had and all the opportunities they've enjoyed...
New flash for them. There are countless suicides that had as much or more money and perks but in the midst of the nightmare crooked playhouses and trips to DisneyWorld doesn't keep the confused kid from swallowing all those pills or slicing a vein when mom and dad have made life unbearable in the manse...or anywhere else...
I am so sick of you people. Jon and Kate are good parents who make mistakes. Get a life!
I read your disclaimer on your DD site and knew you were a gal after my own heart. When I see posts like your last 2 it simply re-establishes my respect and admiration for a person who can tell anyone exactly where the fucking bear shit in the buckwheat!!
I think blunt, frontal, directness is a lost art in todays politically correct world.
I also think you'd be a shoe-in to write a book. I mean that seriously. You have a distinct writing voice and a perspective that resonates wildcat...and some crazy life experiences to throw in the pot.
Calling them, "shit for brains" is giving them more credit then they deserve. But it just goes to show how generous you can be...
They are a numb bunch of twits...
Maybe they need to take a lesson from Jon and go pack-n-roll a fatty and chill for awhile.
According to the commercial I just saw for next week it looks like their world is starting to explode..of course it was all narrated by Kate, so who knows.
I second Nina. You should write a book. I don't know about what tho. Your family maybe? Whatever it is I'd buy it.
And F U anon's atleast have some balls to put a name with your ignorant shit spewing.
I detect a distinct anti-Kate Gosselin vibe on this site.
Crabbie is real quick on the uptake :)
She did it for money..that's what pisses me off. She planned that litter to sell them. Kid DO drive you nuts at times, what mom doesn't know and accept that? Why would you do that to yourself if you know you can't stand kids. It's retarded and evil.
TLC needs to cancel the show. I'm sick and tired of seeing stories about them on news websites. Kate is not news! Oh wait...Then again the President swatting a fly isn't news either.
What has this world come too.
I agree with Nina, you really should write a book. You've brought out an excitement and enthusiasm on a simple garden site!! Anything you choose to write about will have your special touch.
I think you have the talent, and hell, you can always use the money.
Thats a joint? He doesn't smoke cigs? It doesn't look like a cig actually. It's a wonder he's not on much stronger shit, being married to who he is married to and all.
Ok, some dumbass woman came into my daughters hair salon in Indianapolis today. This a classy salon people. Very hi-end...anyway, this dumbass asks for "that Jon & kate" haircut!!!! My daughter got so embarrassed that anyone would ask for that shit on their head, and on purpose. Right? So,she cut her hair, in a much more attractive Poshy Spice rewind look (before the pixie). And the woman rebooked, so she must have liked it. She had no clue that she didn't get that damn rooster haircut and she loved her hair when she left. Just goes to show you, people don't even know what they really want. Sheeple just sheeple. And that trailer trash haircut is for bull dykes, IMO.
I hate Kate with a passion. I can't believe that I used to live about 5 miles from their "old" house. If I would have known, I would have taken her out.
Fuck, I just read in Dog Fancy that Kate is now smoking too!!
oh man...
I always thought of her hair cut as the "ugly girl cut." I know that's mean, but, every chick I've ever seen with it was really ugly.
Shelly, LOVE the photo!! Absolutely perfect!
You tell it! Word for word. The TRUTH is right here. I cannot believe all the Kate supporters. Still! Ridiculous...
That was a ruthless thing to do to that adoreable pups pic but it made me LMAO!!!
Poop on Kate. Poop on Jon. I have an idea for a new show...let ME raise those kidlets! You let me have their mini-mansion and those kids and we'll have us some REAL fun! I'd invite their families and friends back into their lives, too. We'd have garden spots for each kiddo, an art wall for them to display their creations, and those adorable dogs would have free run of the house...except the beds. They might have a fighting chance without Kate the Hater and Little Jonny Downer...
PETA goes NUTS over Obama swating a fly yet nothing is said about the crap going on at the Casa del Gosselin. Disgusting.
There is a legacy of theft in this family. Mom used to steal supplies and had for DECADES!!! Despite the existing legacy from prior generations, to maximize damage they likely told her to and why::::::To establish this legacy so they can justify pushing me into stealing, ensuring indifference from society's elite who will be positioned to be involved in this Situation.
They offered him the temptation of maximizing the prices he commands by pushing people into buying at above market value. And I suspect his selling history will attest to this. Not to mention the two $20 Starbucks gift cards ($30 left) he stole out of my car.
Don't forget::There are no secrets with this technology!!!
Think this will shut the tough guy up? Because I can go on about his schitzophrenia and how it makes him more likely to be a recidivist pediophile. But this isn't necessary because he'd obey when they'd tell him to.
His parents were both good but became corrupted. As a result, he is good as well. Unfortunately, he subscribed to evil and has been for years. The result is this internal battle of good and evil that he experieces as schitzophrenia.
And, like so many of you, he will do EVERYTHING he is told. The difference is they will ask him.
Just like mom::::She lit her own house on fire intentionally.
Thank you, all of you, for stealing my jewelry. I wash my hands of you all. And it was very interesting how you corrupted your children to play a part, sitting them down to divy up the costume jewelry. Or how they scurried upstairs, as if by cue, when that lush was screaming in my face.
They stole from me. They suggest about $25,000 in jewelry, $6,000 which represents my share:::No man buys that $10,000 rock, $7500 strand of pearls and nothing more.
May I remind you they flew to the Far East and the SouthPacific during the 50s in the context of their employment. Access to nice jewelry cheap was likely at their disposal.
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