This is the North side of the house, it's not really pretty. Well, it has it's own kind of beauty, for me, because it's growing food. That's one of my Tomato beds in front there, by the Daisy bed. In back of the little Blue Spruce. I plan to keep the veggie garden where the scarecrow is, and make the rest a flowering shrub garden, with some ornamental trees. I think taking these pictures will help me decide how to do it. I want a gate you can walk through and into the garden. I also want a pagoda out back and a grape arbor. It's going to take a lot of work to make this what I want it to be. The goal is to eventually join all the gardens together into a gentle curve you walk through...while blocking out anything past the fences. My little Forsythia's are doing well and so is the Hydrangea, next to the house. I'm a person who's learned from my mistakes, so I wanted to take a year to just look at it, watch the sun and shade and learn what grows here. It seems almost anything will grow here, which is cool. This is about one fourth of my yard. It's the part I have tamed. Heh.
Your yard and garden look really nice.
I like watching exactly that; the bugs and crickets that lived just under the grass level, and the number of birds that come in for a quick meal in the hours after the mow. The little black birds are fearsome, they are quick and land in packs. I got a couple of Big Blue Jays and some very pretty Cardinals that nest in bamboo behind the fence.
All you gotta do now is piss on the fencepost every morning while you drink your coffee to do it just like me.
I am deep into the planning stages of a front yard makeover. I envision a xeriscape with a meandering dry streambed, cacti, and some white sage. Water is really "drying up" out here in Cali, so we're gonna do away with grass. Except in the backyard, where the doggies roam!
Love your greenery, Pat!
Hey, take some before and after pics, Eric. I'd like to see them. I know you have a really pretty fence there somewhere. I noticed it in the dog pics. I wish I had a nice fence, but, they cost too much. I'll just make do with the wire fence that's already here and PLANT!
Jarhead, I'd have a hard time pissing on a post. Hmm. I could piss in a bucket and throw it at a post. Whould that mark my territory? Heh heh.
It look so nice. I love mowing and trimming and weeding my yard & gardens too. I really feel empowered over it. Like I just "owned" it. The i sit in my swing and sip my cold drink and look around and take it all in and listen to my fountain and watch for hummingbirds. It really does get you into the center of it all. I have been fighting moles lately. I don't know if I am doing any good. They are destroying my yard. So, thats not fun to see. They pop up daily, almost hourly. Gotta kill 'em. Sorry PETA! Only thing is this, in a few days the damn grass "owns" you! Then you gotta take back the power. It's a vicious cyle. But we all love it. Enjoy it DD. Won't be long till your scarecrow is replaced by a snowoman!
Off topic, but that picture has a strange depth of field. I'm confused at how the area just beyond the scarecrow is blurry? LOL
I do know what you mean by feeling good about getting the lawn mowed. It gives your space definition.
It makes such a difference, especially when you drive up and see your own mowed lawn! I have to be careful because of snakies and froggies. I would hate to watch a corpse shoot out of my mower. I like experimenting with different mow patterns. I have an acre and a walk behind. I bought a beat down rider, but never got it going, I like walking the lawn. The shower after mowing is very satisfying. It's a very dirty job.
Don't you love it too, when people drive by while you are mowing? It gives you a certain satisfaction and pride, right? I was so with you on the driving up & seeing the lawn mowed. I love coming home and it's all done for me! I just go "Ahhh, its done! Yay!" LOL!!!
Funny story: My whore neighbor has always had this disgusting habit of shooting beavers when cars drive by. She ALWAYS does her mowing & yardwork in a bikini (there should be a law against her doing that!)..anyways,as soon as car gets nearby she either bends all the way over so you can see her full on ass/cootch or she makes sure her boobs are in full view. I LMAO when she does it when I come by! She has to be pissed when she sees she wasted it on a woman! She's a nasty whore and got a brand new house left to her when my ex-brother in law died and she was living there with their kids. So, I pretty much hate her guts. I still say she killed him. He was 41 years old? She totally killed him. WHORE!!!!! Dayum, I need to write this shit down!
Ya know, Roxanne...that bit just made me laugh out loud at 11:19pm!! Thanks!
Yeah Roxanne, I find myself "posing". Stomach sucked in, standing up straight, I don't want to look like a jabba whilst mowing! Mowing puts you in a very vulnerable position. You have to keep your eyes on your work cause you could get shot with a rock, or clobbered by a wayward branch, which I've done. I never mow without protective eye ware. It's tough to pose and mow.
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