Every time I get mad at my mother my silverware gets fucked up. Spoons, I can bend back a few times, but, I can't fix forks. The tines are all bent. So, I decided to look it up and try to stop doing it. It's called telekinesis and Uri Geller used to be famous for it. Site after site claimed him a fraud and when I went to You Tube, they considered it a parlor trick, a slight of hand magic trick. Well, I don't give a fuck what they think, I want it to stop. I'm constantly buying new forks. It's a pain in my ass.
I got pissed off reading over and over how bending spoons with your mind is bullshit, so I typed in forks. I got this site that had this thing and I liked it. I like the mirrors made like a mosaic with old tea sets. And this one has a bent fork as a towel holder. That's cute. I love the colors. All my forks are bent anyway, I might as well try and make something with 'em. We got some really pretty silver spoon bracelets in the shop this week too. I'm so sick and tired of people telling me telekinesis is not possible when I have a drawer full of bent up silverware you can't even use. It pisses me off. I don't care what people think. And I'll bet there are people on here who can do some form of it too. Anyhow, I was looking for symtoms of extreme rage (ruling out homicide) and I found a craft project. Thought I'd share. I've heard you can bend things with pliers too. Heh. That's probably another myth.
I got pissed off reading over and over how bending spoons with your mind is bullshit, so I typed in forks. I got this site that had this thing and I liked it. I like the mirrors made like a mosaic with old tea sets. And this one has a bent fork as a towel holder. That's cute. I love the colors. All my forks are bent anyway, I might as well try and make something with 'em. We got some really pretty silver spoon bracelets in the shop this week too. I'm so sick and tired of people telling me telekinesis is not possible when I have a drawer full of bent up silverware you can't even use. It pisses me off. I don't care what people think. And I'll bet there are people on here who can do some form of it too. Anyhow, I was looking for symtoms of extreme rage (ruling out homicide) and I found a craft project. Thought I'd share. I've heard you can bend things with pliers too. Heh. That's probably another myth.
when i achieve a state of mental mellowness--have no other way to describe it, but it is when i am driving and 'relaxed' and my mind empties of all the usual million different things streets light that i drive by go out....not an explosion, just the light goes out...
one night i put out 10+ in a row on rte. 8 and got pulled over....i was just driving officer...he had no explaination nor did i....but of course i did, but i sure in the hell wasn't gonna tell a cop that it just 'happens' and i have no control over it!
it's probably some way to right my mind of excess energy? dunno...it doesn't bother me...
i love that mirror! how creative!
My daughter does that streetlight thing, Tia, and I've seen her do it, so I totally believe you. I can't control it and I don't even touch the silverware. I just find it later in the drawer or sink all bent to fuck. It's annoying.
thank you for this! I've had the streetlight thing lots of times, but more when I was younger (and probably more "open-minded"/willing and less stressed). I wish it happened with other things.
There's a name for that street light phenom, I just can't think of it right now. Some people have excess or strange energy. I met a kid once who could blow light bulbs out. Just explode them. I can't wear a watch either. They always stop.
The closest thing I've heard of was an astrologer I knew whose ex-wife's presence stopped electrical appliances, like radios and TVs. He said it was one of the pluses of their divorce that he could watch a whole TV show without interruption.
So it sounds like some people affect electricity and some affect metal. Bet you guys could channel that energy somehow!
Energy CAN be manipulated, but, first emotions have to be cantrolled. It's interesting that the street light people need a relaxed mood and the metal people use anger.
Uhhh, controlled. I hate typos.
if i'm really excited or really wound up i can do the streetlight thing. very awesome.
Pat. The streetlight thing is called cycling. They go off and on, it's an electrical thing. We have nothing to do with it, it's a coincidence.
Could I ask you very very kindly to produce pictures of the all the bent forks? It shouldn't be a problem if the drawers are full of them and you have a great camera now.
I really loathe skeptics. Especially that guy on tv. The one they pull out everytime they need a skeptic`s opinion. He cuts his mustache too damn short!
Hey, Heidi-
Baaaaa, Baaaaaaa
Yeah I am a Lambsquarter Sheeple. What of it?
Baaaaaaaaaa!!!! I'm a Pat Sheeple too. So what.
i wish i could control the light thing...can't....just like i can't control when i have prophetic dreams or see peoples out of the corner of my eye or get bad vibes....
took some classes in trying to harness such energy but then the lady moved to arizona....she was good too...very gifted....
Google streetlight cycling, there's even a youtube video showing it happen with an explanation in the comments.
If we could effect streetlights, why wouldn't we effect all the lamps in our houses, at work, everywhere else?
I know people have a very subtle electrical field or something similar. Some people DO effect electrical appliances but they are few. Very few. When it's streetlights though, there really is a mundane explanation for it. It's okay for some things to have a mundane explanation. It doesn't mean there's NO mystery in the world.
Hey now--- Heidi,
I'm on Pat's fan club list and I'm a skeptic. If the lights are out and I'm sitting in complete darkness with my hand stretched out in front of my face......I need proof! LOL, not really, but,... kinda.
I have days when every lamp I turn on, the bulb fuses. Even if I have just replaced it. No sheep here, I just know it happens and I usually realize that I am a very bad mood or angry about something. Just my 2-cents...
My lights stay lit. My watches run well. I have all the psychic ability of a dead worm but I have a real interest in all of this.
The only od experience I've had repeatedly happen to me, was 3 years ago my twin sister decided she wanted to visit a psychic person and have her cards read. She got a great reading and most of what she was told came about.
When it was my turn, I shuffled the cards and the reader laid them out and claimed she saw nothing but a yellowish light. I thought it was a scam and for an additional amount of money she'd be able to see through the light. That wasn't the case.
This intrigued my sis and she took us off to another reader miles away, a few days later and the same thing happened. The next reader only saw a bluish light. We then spent 2 months going to different types of readers some used palmistry, glass globes, I-ching and tea leaves. Not one person could get a reading out of it. They all saw lights, yellow, pink, blue and one saw a greenish color. I figured I was probably going to die in a bloddy car crash and no one wanted to tell me or my future was simply too damned boring to talk about. Years have passed and here I am. I've always wondered why the rainbow thing? I've never gone back to a reader of any sort since.
I'd love it if someone had some thoughts on this. It remains a mystery to me.
Nina, that is such a cool story...I want to know too! Hmm I've always wanted to get my cards read by a gifted reader, my soul sister & I always read eachothers cards when we were teens...and now my deck is distributed all over my house as an art form. I'd like to get a new deck and see if anything special comes to light :)
I wanted to add my one and only "ghost" story, I lived though this while I stayed with my abortionist grandmother on the Island of Flores in Portugal. I was around 8 years old when this happened. We lived in a house, more like a blocky mansion. My grandparents were very wealthy, my grandfather the Judge of the local court, and the highschool math professor. My grandmother the head nurse at the hospital. Anyway. The house had 5 sets of stairs, two sets were extremely long. Also, strange things happened to my grandmother but this event was the one that happened to me. I was standing at the entrance to the second set of long stairs...maybe 35 steps.
At the entrance (which was off a hallway, I was standing in the hall) there were three steps, then to the right were about 20 steps, then you made another right and took another 15 steps up. So back to the entrance, there was a small table with a 3 ft tall vase with 4 ft tall thick dried up grasses inside of the vase. Behind the vase, there was an oval mirror hanging about the length of the vase & grasses.
So this happens right in front of my face. The oval mirror came off of the wall, and shot up and over the vase and landed half way up the stairway...like 10 steps up, and the mirror did not break, and the vase did not fall off the table, and none of the grass moved either. IT WAS THE SCARIEST SHIT IN MY LIFE. I was home alone!
Then for about a month before I left to come back to America, I was having nightly nightmares about the house being alive...the entity being at the ceiling, pressuring me not to leave or bad things would happen.
The array of horror I felt at that house was incredible, and the things that happened to my grandmother further petrified me. The first set of long stairs (the one different than the one with the mirror)...my grandmother was walking back up from collecting eggs, she felt someone grab her ankle and she fell down the cement stairs...none of the eggs broke.
Then the time when a 7 ft tall bookcase fell on my grandmother for no apparent reason while she watered plants hanging from the ceiling.
I actually have a photo of those cement stairs with a pic of myself at that age...I think I'll post it. I've been dying to share this with someone that had any kind of knowledge on the unnatural.
I have no knowledge of this stuff and always thought I would love to meet a ghost, but your tale gave me the chills. I only want to meet a nice ghost. NO scary, violent stuff.
Now I'm hoping someone wanders in with thoughts on my colors and your experiences.
I did go out and buy a deck of tarot cards. They're pretty. I even got the book, Tarot reading for Dummies...I kid you not.
I never saw lights but got tired switching around pages to see what my cards meant and none of the stuff applied. I'm hopeless!
Well here is a pic of me on those cement stairs, except my scanner is out of business right now so I had to use the webcam lol it looks grainy
Awww, you were sooo cute! They look like nasty srairs to tumble down.
From the little you can see of the house it looks spectacular. It's Sad it has so many scarey memories for you.
Stairs...I hate typos...but I hate proofreading more LOL...
I can't see the pic. Awww. Nina, I have met a couple of people I can't read. I don't know why, but, it has nothing to do with their death. It's their energy and the cards just sit there like lumps. Sometimes if they return on another day, it's better. The colors you described are what I see around people who are very spiritual and intuitive. Usually those colors indicate to me, that the person has a psychic gift and can learn to control it.
Thanks Pat,
I feel better about it now. Some of the readers said I had a natural blocking thingy up which made no sense to me because why would I be blocking a reading I wanted to get...I'd love to discover some psychic talent.
I'm an artist so maybe I throw all my talents on canvas and in a kiln...That would be so typical for me to cover them with paint or carve them up and roast them in a high temp oven!!!
Art and the paranormal seem to go together. I think it has to do with the side of the brain that we use the most. And that psychic blocking thing can be very useful if you learn to use it when you want to. Ever heard of psychic vampires? They're real and some are deliberate. I've blocked them, but, I have to work at it. I'll bet you're great at poker.
Thanks Nina, not all was bad about living there though. The Ocean was close and we went swimming & fishing all the time. The backyard was huge, maybe 4 acres, of neat rows lined with sidewalks covered with grapevines for shade. We grew tons of produce for our family & friends consumption alone, & the house was like a museum of fine old fashion antiquities. I miss it just for that aspect.
Anywhoo, I should start my own blog sometime so I can rattle on about the past.
Take care
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