I wanted to come here and put my own thoughts down before I go to Moons, GWOP, J and K plus8 Sucks or anywhere else. Geez, what a mess, huu? Kate has a new voice. She's been told people hate her and she's been well coached. In a much softer tone she lets the viewers know that it's all Jons fault. She'd like to hash it out with him, but, he won't talk to her. Sigh. (tears?) She admits Jon had a lot of anger towards her. She's, cough, scared and doesn't want to be alone. She doesn't want to do THIS alone. Boo friggin' hoo. But, she will buck up and do the best she can for her kids. Alone. Uhhh, but, only on holidays, I guess. Did you guys catch that? She's like, fuck this noise the rest of the year, but, cry for me, I'll be here on Christmas. With the fucking flim crew.
Jon meanwhile, in his seperate interview, says "I don't hate Kate, but,____. Then he shrugs. Leaving us to fill in the blank with the very logical "I don't love that cunt either." Instead of being sad, Jon says he's excited at this new chapter in his life and proud of himself for standing up to her. He hates her so much it isn't even funny, but, it is. And no one blames him.
They'll both live in the house and take care of the screamers, trading off when Kate comes home. Which, as we all know, aint often. Jon takes care of those kids and we all know it. He may be a slacker, but, he's all they have. Now Kate actually thinks we're going to buy that "doin' it alone" crap she's spewin'. We've all seen the truth for the last year. That Hawaii renewal vow was faker than Kate's new tits, which were on prominent display last night. I knew he'd finally had it with her shit ages ago when she'd snap at him and he'd sit there with that shit eating grin looking straight at the camera. Nodding his hair plugged head. Uhh huu, you'd have to be a sheeple not to see this coming.
So, he's out. He's happy. She wants him back desperately..but, only for the sham and the show..and he's basically said "Fuck you, controlling cunt." FINALLY! It makes me want to stand up and cheer for the little pot head, but, I can't because he's still part of this fucking his kids around deal. He needs to man up all the way, not just in the ways that suit him.
Then there's their finances. Kate bought a new vehicle last week, so did Jon. Those two slackers spent about $200, 000 of their kids money last week on anything but the kids. Kate's looking at mansions on Bald Head Island and Jon's looking at apartments in NYC. Trump Place, for crap sakes! They already own a mansion with land, the other house they moved from and Jon's pussy hide out in Utah. Are you kidding me with these two losers? I don't give a fuck what they do, but, someone should legally step in and secure eight tenths of that money for the kids. They're the ones who earned it, not these two pathetic shit for brains white trash! I hate seeing them piss away their children's money on worthless bullshit. How many vehicles does one family need? How many homes? They remind me of retarded lottery winners who have millions for one day and spend it all on "rare" Beanie Babies and end up living in a rusted camper in their parents driveway.
Those kids are fucked any way you look at it. Kate says she looks towards the person she is raising them to be. Fuck. Set aside my laughter at her raising anything but Mr. Greys dick...what are they going to be? Broke slackers who can't get a job and think everything in life is a tabloid story? Jon and Kate...what else can I say, but, fuck them.
Don't care about the "two year" report. They may have had the same mailing adress, but, these two have hated each other for at least two years. That Hawaii deal was bad. Promising the kids on TV that they would always be together when they knew damn well it was a lie. That sucks, they suck. Evil parents.
Wow...just, wow! How stupid does Kate think America is? Has she become so deluded by the sycophants who hang on her every word that she believes we're ALL like that? What a nutjob. Her "woe is me" bullshit made me snicker...that woman has more help than Michelle Obama!
As to Jon, he finally grew a pair, I guess. Of course, he sits there slouching and looking like he wants so desperately to be a teenager again. I just want to shake him! WAKE UP, you freakin' loser! You're going to lose your family and end up installing new monitors as an IT hobbit for the rest of your pathetic life! I used to support him, but not again.
I hope the kids pull through this ok. There will be problems, as there always are when families blow up, but I hope they remain grounded enough to deal. So sad, but oh so predictable.
No matter how much Jon says he doesn't hate Kate, it's obvious. He hates her with a PASSION! She has emasculated him for years, and now he gets his "freedom". What a crock o' crap these two have brewed up! Oh, and TLC?? You suck.
He talks about being 32 and having 8 kids like "How the hell did this happen?" He married her when he was 22?! Dayum, he did miss a lot. But he chose to. he can't go back in time now. He will try but he can't do it and be good at it this time. He does wanna be a teenager again. But he fucked up & he wishes he hadn't fucked her! He's had it and can't get away fast enough. He should get an attorney & stop the show for good. But thats kinda shutting the barn door after the horse got out. And he can't in good conscience stop the show anyway. He's been supported by it for 5 years! It would just sound like a bunch of BS, which it is!! Luckily, TLC has stopped the show, for now. What will they call it now? "The Gosselin 8". I dunno. I also hate what they are doing with the money, pandering to themselves. How the hell did they get THAT much fucking money anyway? She said they "bought" the new house for the kids...What??? They bought that house? Is that true?
And you know they didn't pay 10 cents for those damn crooked houses either. Those things go for $5,000.00 each! Wow. Nice donation to a needy cause.
Fantabulous rant there love. Agree with every fucking last word.
I am always amazed when people have no idea how much reality stars are paid. They made a fortune selling their children and selling books they didn't write. It's estimated at $10 million and I figure that's a low estimate.
Not to mention scamming churches. With fabrications and fairy tales.
I am truly sick of these two. I was tired of them before but now I wish they would just disappear. Stop invading my tv watching!! Stop invading my newspaper reading!
I hope HOPE Jon has some Aces up his Ed Hardy sleeves. A nice Gotcha! to Kate.
That would be just lovely to behold.
Pat, now what would be funny is if they have IRS problems. Having to account for all the "donations". They can be considered income too. Taxes WILL be paid. that would be a bitch, eh? Can you imagine Kates face when the IRS agent shows up at her door? I really don't have any idea how much they get paid. I did read that Kristin Cavalari will be making $60G per episode of The Hills, much more than the former star of the show, Lauren whats-her-name. That would piss me off. If I made a show a hit and then left and they bring in some used up skank & pay her alot more than I was making. I'd be super pissed. So, thats about all I know about reality stars pay. I didn't even used to think they even got paid at all! LOL.. I still don't think Real World contestants get paid. So many have had to leave or borrow cash when they had bills to pay. Thanks for the info.
The Dr. from The Liitle couple works at Texas Children's, where Hazel had her surgery. I saw Dr. Arnold at the Chick-fil-A in the food court, and I actually introduced myself to her because I recognized her and we were only inches apart while waiting in line. I told her my daughter was in surgery, and she said she'd pray for her. It always surprises me when physicians voice their belief in that stuff.
I'll watch the show a little bit because it's neat to see the medical center on tv, but it is pretty boring and I see how scripted and contrived it is.
Man you are on a roll! A quite funny one at that! Those two really are sickening, and I really do hope Jon hates her as much as we think he does. That book would be a best seller, would sell more than her's put together x n to the 100 power!
And another thing about the Little Couple, if your buying big SUV's, fucking jewlery for your wife's B-day, flying all over the place, and GAMBLING in Vegas.....then, Please shut the Fuck Up about Medical Bills! Anybody who's had more than the flu has Dr. bills.
I feel for ppl who are eating dirt because of hospital bills ....not these two, with their steak dinners and spa treatments. It should be common sense, that if you want to bitch about your medical bills, then, you cannot, 5 seconds later, show me the plans for a house with an elevator.
And yeah, ppl who announce their faith to me, in passing,out of the blur, annoy the shit out of me. Keep it to yourself. Thank you very much.
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