There are many spots in my yard which can't be seen unless you get into them. I think a persons mind can easily be compared. There are beautiful things there and some not so nice things. Maybe even some dangerous things. They are all hidden. I make room for myself in the garden spots with little paths and patches where I can squat down and observe. Unobserved observing, that's the key. Plants don't understand boundaries, but, you can gently reposition vines so that they will be happy without killing their neighbors. It was just a thought.
Now this is something I can get behind. Retreating to nature is essential for recharging energy, as you're found iwth your morning ritual. Excellent.
Even though I'm skeptical of a lot of things, I like you a lot DD. You're cool in a very weird way if you don't mind my saying so.
As *you've found" etc. Bleh.
I like the way you put that.
Bravo Anon. There's nothing wrong with a little healthy skepticism. People who aren't skeptical are sheep, full-stop.
Unfortunately there are a few sheep here. And you're right about DD, she's way cool.
i am always more relaxed after working out in the yard! being one with nature like resets an internal driver or something...
I like how you write.
TY. I'm having a hard time getting on here today. Bloggers gone goofy on me.
I love being alone in nature. Watching waves crash or how the dew settles on grass.
I love to read others thoughts on the simple task of silently observing a patch of green and hearing the reflections and thoughts that come to you in those moments.
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