I got around to the back of the house, feeling my way with my feet, and flashed the camera and I caught two bright eyes about 5 foot off the ground. Then I heard a deep growl. I made a hasty retreat. I felt like Bubbles in the trailer park. Oh, no, a Samquanch! I hate those bastards! Duuu. When I studied the blurry picture I could tell Big Foot was actually a fat Raccoon sitting on my air conditioner eating Mulberries. I like the garden at night, but, I admit it's just a little scary. It's really dark and deserted. I need to buy a few solar lights.
I got around to the back of the house, feeling my way with my feet, and flashed the camera and I caught two bright eyes about 5 foot off the ground. Then I heard a deep growl. I made a hasty retreat. I felt like Bubbles in the trailer park. Oh, no, a Samquanch! I hate those bastards! Duuu. When I studied the blurry picture I could tell Big Foot was actually a fat Raccoon sitting on my air conditioner eating Mulberries. I like the garden at night, but, I admit it's just a little scary. It's really dark and deserted. I need to buy a few solar lights.
that was funny how ricky and bubbles beat the shit out of each other cuz they thought they were samsquanches!!! then they patched themselves up with duct tape!
miss tia
We have a raccoon couple around, Ricky and Ericka, who showed up on my MIL's deck about a year ago, attracted by the food and treats my FIL left outside for our cat, Shadow. Well the raccoons thought it was for them too, and now show up everyday.
My moonflower has an enormous bud on it! I think it will bloom tomorrow night, if so I will take a pic amd send it to you. I had also mentioned a peach daisy with a purple center, well it looks like crap! Maybe it wasn't a daisy, but something that only blooms in the Spring-bummer.
Yay on the Moonflower, Maureen, love those. Maybe the daisy was a Gerbra Daisy?
Meissa, raccoons are my favorite animal, I've raised BUNCHES of 'em. They love cat food. You don't get too close do you? Grown Coons get crazy around food. I had a Peacock once who would only eat dry cat food. Also a skunk here who loves it. It's like the universal meal..lol. They should just call it Everything Food.
Raccoons ate my fish out of my pond last spring, but I'm working on forgiving them. They are pretty dang cute.
Oh no, I don't get close to them. even though they know we feed them, they run away when we get too close. I took a picture of Ericka hiding behind the flower pots, she panicked lol!!! I took one of Ricky too, but they are both on my FIL's camera and I haven't got them out yet.
Coffeebean, they'll do that. They love water and fish. Giving baby coons water is really funny to watch. I have lots of pictures of that stuff. People think they wash their food, but, they don't. They just love getting their hands in the water. They're good swimmers too. They'll follow you when you're swimming, they follow you everywhere. My daughter had so much fun playing with our young Coons. Ours were all orphans, I wish people wouldn't get them as pets. It never works out.
That's good Meissa..safer. Though the males really aren't dangerous unless they're scared. It's the females that hunt and kill and get weird. They're naturally rough though and can be growly for fun.
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