That's a telling photo. Kate thinks a husbands job is to pump gas and she should never go to a gas station at all. She's told us that. So, I guess the marriage might be over. I'm joking...if they ever had a real marriage, I'll kiss your ass on the town square. I wish people would stop calling those "Hooker Heels", they're just Summer heels. I used to love them (which kind of dates them, Kate), but, I won't wear them anymore. Someday, Kate will be sorry she ruined her feet for fake fashion. She will NEVER be sorry she ruined her children's lives. She's not capable of comprehending that or ever being sorry. I wish people would pick on her jeans instead. Those are lame. Capri length never looks good on anyone and you're fooling your self if you think they do. Someone throw a lit cig at that gas pump. Do us all a favor.
She has a very unfortunate body shape..kinda has no waist.
I think I have a pair of those shoes somewhere from like 3 or 4 years ago. She needs an upgrade. Pronto. Her children's money can buy her nice shoes to go with the nice house. Ya know.
I have some from when I bartended at the Disco. Not the retro disco either. Yeah, she's boxy, we've all seen it now. She thought she'd be so envied in her bikini's. I guess that didn't work out for her.
Where's a random jolt of static electricity when you need one?
Nina, you slay me! SpongeKate/SquareBod! LOLZ!!
Kate is so horrible that the only way through this debacle is with humor...
She's become a parody of herself at this point and the snark almost writes itself...
By the way, I always enjoys your remarks as well, deep, insightful and fun!!
Thick-ass thighs. She looks like she has a dick in her bikini and she is very thick & square, as noted by previous posters. She is not all-that! Why do people care anyway? She's nothing. A baby factory that happened to cash in. Big fucking deal.
You did catch Kate's safety pinned together v-neck top, didn't you? t-a-c-k-y!
I had a similar operation as Kate, but for a totally different reason and don't know if the after effects are the same, but my dr told me 2 things.
1. You'll never wear a bikini again because of the scars.
2. You'll lose your waist and become more straight up and down - and I did!
Not concerned about the scars or the no waist cause I never wore bikini's in the first place and couldn't care less if my waist disappeared as long as the surgery was successful. It was! (< :
I did not know it caused loss of the defined waist. Thanks for telling me that..it's very curious.
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