The Garlic plants are making loop-de-loop hearts on top. Some have the beginnings of seed pods. I've never grown Garlic before. Does this mean I should dig up the bulbs now or wait until Fall? It's pretty and when I edge the patch with the lawn mower, it releases it's Garlicy perfume in the air. It smells yummy.
And also..to anyone who knows..can I use that loopy part to cook with, like green onion tops?
Fuck thats cool!! I've never seen garlic plants, you're so talented and brave!! When I first moved here I had some onion-y grass that made my whole house smell like fresh chopped onion every time I mowed. But sadly, my replacement single tomato plant still is not above 1 foot. I also dug up my lavendar and put it in pots for indoors. I need to smell something.. {[besides Lucky Strike second hand smoke from you know who...]}
LOL second hand tobacco. That damn weener dog. I put pots of herbs right outside my door. It's a little nose candy just for me.
Onion-y grass? Maybe wild onions?Don't eat wild onions. They do smell good though.
I have no idea - sorry Pat - but dang those looked cool
*got your comment. could i tell you through e-mail..?*
Ummmmm I'm the wrong one to answer about using things to cook with.... :) those heart-y things do look cute tho. Pat my friend, you have grown one gigantic green thumb....
Thanks Nadine! It's a pretty garden. I'm proud of myself and I plan to make it twice as big next year. Naseem, please share.
I have a feeling Naseem wants to tell me something bad in private. Uh oh. Maybe Garlic isn't supposed to seed? Well, if I fucked up, I'll tell you guys, 'cause how else will I learn about plants I've never grown?
Oh it's bad alright but nothing bad about your awesome garden! I wouldn't know if garlic is suppose to seed or not. lol
I never thought to eat the yard onions, it was kind of annoying to have "onion shoes" after the mow! What the hell kid of onions grow wild? I would never eat them because they grew in my septic field. YUK. I have well water, a septic system and no garbage pick up. This means I have to drive every single bag of stinking garbage to the dump. Okay in the winter because it's frozen, but in the summer, ewe. Follow up on the garlic please!! I'm dying to know.
Been there, done that, Shelly, but, it sounds like you have peace and quiet. That's worth a million bucks, plus no rural water bill.
DD, It is beautiful. I've only hear sirens a couple times in the 3 years I've lived here. I don't miss the water bills either. The only bummer is I only get company once a year, maybe, and I have no peers here. It's all retired white trash woman who are afraid to be nice to me cause I might hit on their one toothed fat belly, mouthbreathing husbands. Gimme a fucking break. My best friend lives in Louisiana. 20 hour drive.
My cats were just running with the deer out in my yard. You don't get that kind of action in the city!!
They think they're big game hunters, it's a riot.
Awwww, I miss living in the country. On the other hand, I don't have a 40 mile drive to the grocery store any more.
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