I have to tell you, even in my high state, I could see that this was the most fake asshole episode of anything ever made. Jon Gosselin is not cool and those biker dudes chewed his lame ass up and spit him out. The whole thing was as uncomfortable as my bladder. WTF? And that "cute" male bonding part where they cleared Jon a path in the woods was ridiculous. Anyone who uses a hack saw on a tree is fucking higher than I was. Give me a break.
I scanned the room for the remote. I was nauseous watching all these puke FAKE fuckers. I could not force myself to move again. I spotted the damn remote under the TV table. Jesus. Finally my Mom came in, she'd just heard I was in the hospitial all day and she was upset because she thought I was in a car wreck and wouldn't be able to drive her ass to the store for cat tuna. She was much relieved to find out I was only agonizingly sick, but, I talked her into handing me the remote before she left.
I hit the change button and it went to 54, which here, is that new suck money show about the Masche sextuplets. Are you kidding? Irritating, annoying people with a screaming litter. She calls him fat and puts him on a diet and he doesn't like the way she tells him what to do. Sound familiar? Scripted and they are BAD actors. I turned off the TV and covered up my head and rocked in and out of my haze all night, but, at least I wasn't listening to money grubbing, litter bearing, child exploiting losers.
No offense to American Chopper fans, but, those guys had no business with the Greedy Gosselin tribe, it was absurd and they are assholes. I have a couple of biker friends, the real thing, not like wimpy pussy boy Jon Greedlin, and those guys would do anything for you. But, I can't take them on a daily basis, because they're assholes and they'll admit it. But, at least they aren't cunt wipers who sell their kids and pretend to be cool.
Anyone who uses a hack saw on a tree is fucking higher than I was.
....My thoughts exactly. WTF? Can't he afford a fucking chainsaw?
Oh, and SR.(the dry-drunk that he is) thinks, "Kate is one smart lady". I guess he thinks that because he admires those who scream, degrade, and drive family members away.
I refuse to watch anything on TV with Jon or Kate on it unless their getting bashed by the media or made fun of by comics...
It's a new trend for under achievers looking for some fame and fortune. Be a Breeder and deliver a commodified herd, sell them out like meat on a stick to a network and then suck in the cash and start living large.
Screw the kids, they become bothersome props, wanting to drink all the time.
When is this new tribe going to have other folks write books for them? I wonder when they'll start doing a church bilking tour?
I need to go listen to Enya and have a nice cup of herbal tea...
Don't they piss you off? Why can't they just do a yearly special to let us all know they're okay and satisfy curiosity? Why do they all have to sell their kids? Losers, the lot of 'em.
The invisible hand of the TLC Overlord was at work here...forcing the OCC guys to play up to another TLC showgram. I feel for the OCC guys. You could tell they had ZERO respect for Jon...who tried really hard to be a tough guy and FAILED...and that they were laughing at Kate. She was tougher than Jon, but hey...hasn't she always been? I kept hoping she'd wreck her scooter and break her hair!
Does that make me a bad person?
Eric, if that thought makes you a bad person than some of the thoughts I've had are going to send me straight to hell...
There is a picture of Jon's new squeeze, Hailey, on the net and she's looking like a stoner, gangster wannabe with a gun in her hand. A part of me hopes she's sending Kate a message....Another and darker part of me just hopes she has a plan...See what I mean...straight to hell...
TLC needs stop already.
Laughing at "break her hair." Ha ha.
Anon..I'm flyin'.
Jon Gosselin is so NOT cool. He had the bike custom made for 125,000, or so the mags say. He must of asked for every piece of chrome in that shop! He is such a wanna-be! I just pisses me off that he thinks that bike will make him cool.
The funniest thing to me was watching Jon on that bike...he looked like he needed training wheels! Kate on the scooter instantly reminded me of the lady in "The Wizard of Oz" on her bicycle..."and your little dog, too!"
Calling her a smart lady was just sucking up for the show.
Yep, I think your right about that. You could tell he thought Jon was a henpecked loser, even though the jabs were supposedly under the guise of male bonding.
Thanks. :)
I caught my husband watching this ep, but he said he wasn't meaning to support JK, but it was during his show...he also made a comment about John riding the bike like a pansy.
I almost feel sorry for Jon. He'll never be cool. Anyone with 8 screaming kids can't be cool. I heard he paid over a 100 grand for that bike and those guys had to be laughing as they took the check.
Haven't been on in a while, Pat. Sorry to hear that you've been under the weather. I had to have the ole bag removed, so I'm out of work for another three weeks. Plenty of time to make a tipsy pot! lol
And who in their right mind rides a bike in that get up?!?! Kate on that bike in those shoes makes me cringe, but not as much as seeing a dude riding a bike in shorts....just one bee up those shorts legs and he'll be sorry.
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