I couldn't get it all in one picture because it's L shaped. The corn goes all the way around. And the Pumkin' Patch is off to the right. It looks pretty good though, if I do say so myself. I planted flowers in there too and they should bloom soon. I love being out there. You can click the pics to make them bigger.
Prettiest scarecrow I've ever seen..... Pat your artistic talents always surface.... :)
You have some garden there! It's so neat. I have one small patch and the weeds grow faster than the plants. It's hard to do anything during the day--temps are hitting 95 and I;m not a hot weather person.
Hope you're doing better today. I wondered if you would be having Alissa this weekend and how that would work out. I am having Percodan envy. A good pain killer is always nice to keep on hand.
Take care and I love your new site. I can relate to this better than I can to rich people (celebs)making idiots of themselves.
well your garden is way better maintained than mine! i've got weeds and still have plants---veggies/herbs---that i need to pot...we've had horrid weather that is not conducive to gardening! mother nature in n.e. ohio is menopausal!!!
i just emailed you pix of poli---pan is in a couple too!!!
hope you are feeling better!!!
Thanks Nadine.
Bayou Jane, love your name..I only garden in the rain or at night. I can't stand the sun. I crowd plants to discourage weeds and only pull weeds when it rains. Try it, it really works well. Send me pics of your Bayou garden! I'd love to see it. Have you checked out the Bayou Gardener site? He's very cool.
Tia, I've missed Poli and Pan. Thanks.
if i only gardened in the rain, i'd be SET!!! i wouldn't garden at night cuz too many 'critters' are out---raccoons, possums, etc....and i have ZERO light out back!
glad ya got the pix! poli is a porker! i can't believe she's only 4 and a half months old!!
Oh, and I didn't get Lissa this weekend. Her mom was taking her somewhere. It's okay though, it means I can take it easy. I do miss the little squirt though, this is my first kid free weekend in a long time.
Yeah, Tia, I have critters too. I kind of like watching them. The coons haven't bothered the garden yet. I'm willing to share with them though. There's a really cute skunk family out there. And your Poli is the cutest pup ever.
DD, I have been watching Bayou Gardener's site since you put it on. I had to know where he was, so I emailed him. He's a bit more north of me--on the La/Ms border. He's in pine tree country and I'm in cypress country. Better known as the swamps.
Have you been looking for a prom date for your scarecrow?
I think she's too homely to get a date. Maybe she just enjoys her solitude?
i don't think the racoons bother gardens too much...they traispe thru my yard to get to a neighbor's house cuz she has big pans of cat food out for strays....
haha, i've got some pix of a racoon that pan chased up the tree one afternoon!! young male that the mom kicked out the nest...i can't the dogs out after 8:30pm-ish cuz of the racoons...i don't want pan to try to fight one (i dunno if she would or not, but i don't want to take that chance!)....
possums go thru the yard to visit the same yard the racoons are going too....then we have dozens of bats flying around...eek! i'm getting a garden canopy maybe soon if i find my yard (between being really sick, trying to finish my last semester's incompletes, start a summer semester this week and working on the mayor's recall!) and i'll run some lights out then...and i will take pix!
poli is a cutie patootie!!!!
sorry, rambling...on pain pills and cough syrup with codeine...
So green and perfect. The scarecrow is freakin' awesome. :)
Beautidul job!! Garden Diva is priceless!
Your scarecrow kinda give me the creeps!
Hope you are feeling better soon!
Thanks, guys...and I like creepy.
I have other garden spots too, I took advantage of every spot that had sun and fence. I have a pea and carrot garden, two tomato gardens, etc. But, this part is my favorite.
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