I have no pictures of Lissa's birthday. She never showed up. The presents are on the table, the cake is in the fridge. Her real birthday is Tuesday so I just figured we'd celebrate this weekend. I figured wrong, I guess. Seems my former daughter in law is on some power trip. I don't know what she's up to this time. It makes my head hurt to try and figure that girl out. I could type a book about what's fucked up, but, why bother? It's always something with her. I don't understand why things can't be peaceful and why we always have to have drama. I miss Alissa.
That's so sad. I was waiting for a post about her birthday and almost just asked how it was. That reminds me of my childhood, being used as bait or something between my separated parents. It was no fun.
Hopefully you can have a redo next weekend. I look forward to hearing about it.
That's terrible that Lissa's mom did not bring her over to celebrate her birthday with you. :(
I was also looking forward to seeing photos from Lissa's birthday party.
Oh, I'll get her again soon, I'm sure. I've had Lissa every weekend since she was born and I had her almost entirely for the first year of her life. I also pick her up from school sometimes, but, there's no school now. There's so much I could tell, but, it's not worth typing. Biz said it..bait. I have to do things her mom requires or I get punished and her requirements are self serving and have nothing to do with the kid. She reminds me of Kate Gosselin. Everything in the world is about HER and not the child.
That's not fair to Lissa. Hopefully her mother can work out her issues and get herself in check before she gets too much older. Kids aren't stupid. Especially that one. Lissa will start to realize and she'll be mad her mom screwed around with her childhood.
She'll never work out her multitude of issues. It stems from the way she was raised. I gave up on her long ago. I just try and be there for Alissa. If I told you how she really is..you'd shit. I know Lissa, she knows what day it is now, she'll be screaming to come over here. And she won't stop.
Good, I hope she gives her hell.
The best thing to do is just be there, as always, for Lissa. No power struggle fight will help in any way. Alissa will be the one paying for it, as will you. You know that your former daughter in law can only play that game for so long. She needs your help and support and will be back asking for it in no time.
I thought her b day was on Tues,..?? thats the 23rd. Im coming home Tues! Do I have the wrong day?
Yes, Tuesday, sorry that was a typo, Case. We may be able to find her by Tuesday. Pffft. Can you tell I'm fed up? No phone call, no answering the phone, called everyone I know to call. It's retarded and nerve wracking.
Some people have no business being responsible for another person's well-being. It does suck to be in the middle, my dad did that to me after my parents divorced. It screwed me up and I was in college. Poor Lissa. At least she knows she can count on you.
I am sorry Pat. Lissa will be there and you can celebrate extra special for her then.
Yeah, well, I have to figure out how to handle this without a war. I just want to see Lissa and make sure she's alright.
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