But, crabbie just alerted us that Michael Jackson is dead too. I don't know how I feel about that. Not many people had a dysfunctional childhood like Michael's and I'd cut him some slack, but, I have to wonder how many children MJ screwed up. I just don't know what to say without sounding mean, and I don't feel mean today. Rest in peace, Michael, if you can. I really hope his children will be okay.
wow - 2 pop icons in one day...
Well, crabbie is right. There comes a time when you have to be responsible for your own actions regardless. RIP.
Now people are questioning whether MJ is faking his death to get our of all his legal problems. Who knows.
Poor Kids.
i feel so sad for Farrah. as for mj, i just wonder if we'll ever know the whole story..
Corina, you look kind of like my daughter. Cute. Oh, and I meant to tell you thank you for the photo loading advice.
That's kinda what I felt too. He was so pathetic.
Thank God, I can post my thoughts somewhere on this.
He was a child toucher.
'nuff said.
I'd rather look at Kate shrewing the driveway in her size 2, blue two piece than hear another word about MJ.
AND the internet went down because of him!! Jesus, this is gonna get painful. There will be satisfying scandals though. Those Jacksons are going to stab each other in the back like welfare mothers on the third Thursday.
Though I'm not really sad to see him gone, I hope the families he damaged find some closure. And I hope his children are with their mothers.
Wonder if Joe Jackson and his clan will want DNA tests done on MJ's 3 kids before they inherit whatever's left of the mutant's fortune?
I don't believe he molested those kids. He was a weirdo who had over 50 plastic surgeries on his face, he had no adult friends, he spoke with a quiet girlish voice and his internal world was completely fucked up. I believe he was just trying to find friends in those kids, he enjoyed hanging out with them because he was a child himself. I mean that man never grew up into adulthood, he'd had major mental problems. I don't believe his intensions towards those kids were sexual. I believe he had a mind of a child and was just trying to relate.
RIP Michael. You're truly one of the greatest artists of the last century and your talent was enormous. You'll be missed.
Goodbye. The world lost a genius today.
I never felt anything bad towards him. He was raised as a jehovah's Witness, which I used to be. that religion is fucked up! It can totally mess up your haed. It clearly did that to him. he has spoken of his childhood being messed up by it. I naver believed he did any harm to anyone, I think he had bad judgement and did make many mistakes in his personal life. I think he had some serious mental problems and probably just wanted to return to being a child somehow by osmosis. Yes, cut him some slack. he's paid his bill today. RIP Michael jackson. No one will ever top you. Peace out.
OMG! I just posted the last comment. Then I read the post above mine. It's almost word for word. I'm glad someone on here agrees with me. Totally unintentional.
An Angel and a entertainment genious lost today. This happened once before. The day Sammy Davis Jr died, they then came across & announced that Jim Henson had died just a few hrs apart. It's so odd how that happens.
You have a right to your opinion. But, for me..too much stuff came out at those trials. I believe he was a child molester.
i think as far as MJ i'm sad because it makes me think of my childhood when he was the one at the top.for years. my brother had the zipper jacket and shiny glove. HEE HEE!(insert moonwalk)he was the favorite.my bitch mom only got me some cheap parachute pants and ugly fuckin orange pleather pants.ha ha that's why he lives in your basement now. BOO YA
I absolutely believed he molested those children - I feel sick and sad for his life. He was subjected to his father's wrath, wanting him to be the money maker - was probably gay at heart but could never come out. What does that leave us? A pedophile. Ring any bells with the Catholic priests? May he finally find the peace and rest he deserved at a very early age. May the children he hurt grow strong and fine peace. Will that happen? I doubt it... His life was wrecked - and he wrecked others. His musical talent is undeniable. I grew up with him - it is a shock but, I hate to say this, somewhat of a relief knowing that his tortured days are over and that, maybe, his children can flourish as they are meant to.
Let's not forget Farrah who will be forgotten amongst this media frenzy. Melissa
He had incredible talent and a diseased childhood that produced and very disturbed man...
I hope Kate has an opportunity to watch at least one of the dozens of retrospectives that are bound to be aired. I hope she can comprehend the fact that many of Michael's issues were birthed by a hyper-controlling parent who deemed beating as an appropriate discipline and forced a sensitive child into gross over-exposure for years.
no problem, and thanks! :)
Happens in threes? Ed, Farrah, Michael....?
I just worry about those three kids of Michael's.....hoping he has provided appropriate measures for their emotional and financial care. They are all young, and I do not hear anyone discussing their well-being?
If it happens in threes, then MJ's death started it over 'cause David Carradine kicked it recently, too.
we were saying that too jana. Now we will have to wait & see if Patrick Swayze or Eddie Van halen and some other celebs with cancer are next in line. It's sickening to think we are all just waiting to see what happens next. With each one we all get shoved that much closer to the head of the line too.
Now his Dr is missing. maybe he disappeared & will be found hanging in some damn hotel room. Suicide!? His mercedes was left at MJ's and was towed off by the cops. Some real shit is really gonna hit the fan, as Liza Minelli just said. And she should know! This is gonna get really bad when it all comes down. Wow, we don't even know.
I wish I got molested by MJ. I mean how cool is that??
Those kids should be stoked!
word has it that his ex-wife Debbie Rowen and mother of the 2 oldest children will get the 2 oldest children and the mother of the youngest, if she comes forward, will be able get the youngest.
When the children were born Debbie signed all custody rights to Michael, and got a sum of money, but in 2004 went back to court to have that changed and the courts ruled in her favor, so unless the family can prove the children would be in danger with Debbie, she should get them and whatever money MJ has would go for the upbringing of the children.
I think it would be a shame to split the 3 children up, so I hope that doesn't happen.
I don't know if Debbie will fight for them because we all know the Jackson family want them under their roof.
I was saddened to hear of Farrah's death too, she did fight a courageous battle, and it is kind of sad MJ death put her's on the backburner.
C'mon people show some respect, these famous ppl may not have been perfect, are you?? Keep your nasty comment to yourself if you can't say something nice...let them rest in peace, it is not up to you or anyone else on this planet to judge them...leave it to a higher source and get on with your lives...
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