Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dionne quints with puppies

The good doctor gives the little girls puppies and they freak out. I wonder why?, since the whole world called watching them in their enclosure "entertainment" in the 1930's. Displaying the girls like a freak show and making them do little dances and sing songs like trained monkeys ruined their lives. You'd think parents of multiple these days would research the Dionne quintuplets.


Mary said...

That was really a tragic case. I'm so sorry for those girls.

Anonymous said...

Yea, I remember reading about this. It was in canada, correct? It was awful, they never even got to live with their family and were property of the Canadian gov't and they were on display. It was a grotesque mistreatment of children. J&K are not much different. Only now money changes hands, it's terrible and maybe even worse. I don't know. It's all bad. Kids need to be normal. They will have psychosis as they mature. Those girls were probably sexually molested as well. Who would ever tell? Hell, the damn Dr's were in charge of them. All those pretty little girls would be too tempting for some old pervy Dr not to get his greasy hands on. Do we know if any of the girls committed suicide? I swear at least 1 of the Gosselin kids will one day. IMHO.

Anonymous said...

That was painful to watch !!

Anonymous said...

i found this in the wiki article about them..
"In 1995, the three surviving sisters revealed that they believed their father had sexually abused them during their teen-aged years"


Anonymous said...

Anon----I don't understand. They were teenagers----and they BELIEVED the were sexually abused? Were they so screwed up and brain washed that they didn't know?

I've read articles too and I agree they were treated worse than animals in a zoo. They were considered to be "national treasures". It's ashame what we as people will watch happening to others. And now they call it REALITY TV.

Pat said...

There's more of these flims on You Tube and they're all sad. Some of them are set up shots of the girls with hoaky music put in. Reminded me of the Gosselin kids.

my9cats said...

Anonymous said...
Anon----I don't understand. They were teenagers----and they BELIEVED the were sexually abused? Were they so screwed up and brain washed that they didn't know?

I've read articles too and I agree they were treated worse than animals in a zoo. They were considered to be "national treasures". It's ashame what we as people will watch happening to others. And now they call it REALITY TV.

Wednesday, 17 June, 2009

Didn't the governor or someone high up in PA declare the tups as a state treasure?