It's a pork chop on a paper plate, brought here my my mother who ignored the NO sign on the door. They fed the stray cats cut up pork chops on paper plates first. I saw them do it. I do not want their cat hair covered left over fucked up pork chop. I want to be left the fuck alone for a day. I wan't to sit here and read and be left the fuck alone. What part of NO do they not understand?
That is all kinds of wrong! Gotta love our families. Hell I moved across the country to avoid thst right there.
Hope your day got better Miss Disher!
Disher, perhaps you should get laid. that will make you much happier and less crankier :~)
No, lets not talk about MOM getting "LAID" thank you very much.
Ehhh, it is a done subject. Not worth a mention. I do wonder why everyone is after the David Carradine true cause of death though? It was obviously auto-erotic aphixia. He was a consenting adult hurting no one, but, himself, so I have to wonder why people are all hung up on it.
Anyway, how come everyone assumes I don't get laid? Because I don't post pics of it? When I cut my hair short everyone said I was a lesbian. People have way more hang ups than me, that's become clear.
What was that you used to say, Case? Back off in your own jack yard? Heh.
Jeebus, anonyII, is that your snappy retort to everything you disagree with.."You need to getcha some!" Lemme guess--YOU'VE seen more ass than a toilet seat?
LMAO! I think "getting some" was the path to my own destruction and only retards suggest it. Retards who have thier small dick in their sweaty hand.
yeah but DID you eat the pork chop????? -- bet you did - see mom's do know best lol.
Poor Casey getting distraught over mom's sexual interludes.
a pack of Marlboro's?
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