I got some seeds from a friend, they're called Green Envy Zinnia. I planted a spot of them away from the other Zinnia's so if I wanted to save seeds, they wouldn't cross pollinate. I don't know. They're pretty up close, but, far away you can hardly notice them because...they're green. What do you guys think?
I love it. And the contrasting green is beautiful. I have been
appreciating your passion for
gardening--my green envy for gardeners. Thanks for sharing all
the photo's
Love the colour of the flowers!!
I so needed a peek at your posies today! Beautiful!
Thanks for shrrng your know-how and the colorful, life giving pieces you keep and care for.
Awww, it's great to share with people who have the same interests. I'm really enjoying it. I have to go to work now..I never want to go any more..lol. But after I get there it's usually fun.
love the colour. Normally it probably would be a nice colour for a flower, but some how it works lol.
My favorite flower is the zinnia. I love the vibrant colors and they are great to cut and last a long time inside. They make me happy!
After you mentioned marigolds, I bought three packs. I started thinking about them and it seems that I remember someone telling me rhey are good for bug control. I don't know if that's true or not.
Has anyone else ever heard about this or is my "senile" brain making up conversations again.
It is beautiful and so is your garden. You certainly are not close to where I live. Our greenery has the look of leather from the heat and lack of rain.
I think they're stunning! Wouldn't mind them in a brighter color too though. Zinnia's have such a beautiful silhouette. :)
Love the green zinnia! Love finding something out of the ordinary. This year I found peach colored daisies with a purple center, they are so pretty and different!
Oh my that is gorgeous!
Bayou Jane,
I'm not a gardener, but I've heard that, too. Seems to me some people plant them in their vegetable to keep something away. Hey, looky hear...more than I thought I'd find.
Green is my favorite color. I had no idea there were green flowers, though. Your Zinia is beautiful, Pat. It seems like your garden is just bursting open this week!
I think the color's beautiful and would love to see a far shot to see just how much they blend in.
Very sturdy in a cut arrangement. I love any flower that blooms. Except buttercups. I had to completely cut them out last year. They bloom very early, take over the site and then dry up all brown for the summer. I hated seeing the dried up foliage all summer. So, I took them out. They also would be all over the place, in places where I certainly didn't want them. So, I thinned my lillies and planted some there. At least the leaves stay green all summer. I looove my flower gardens too. I would keep these going every year. They are different. And just for arrangements, if nothing else. They look fake! Save the seeds. This year I have had to resort to using mostly perenials. I am layed off and can't really afford to go buy bunches of annuals. Seeds are great if you get an early start. I have trouble getting them to come up before late June tho. Then I don't have actual flowers till almost fall! Grrr! Save the seeds girl.
Marigolds are said to repel insects. I don't know if it's true or not, I plant them with the veggies too because, they just seem to belong out there...along with Nastutioms.
Zinnia is one of my favs too. I think anyone can grow them. There's a lot of diff varieties.
I'd like to se a pic of those peach and purple daisys.
Buttercups grow wild around here. I think they're pretty, but, I avoid putting most wild flowers in my beds..for just the reason you posted. I wonder if your Buttercups were a hybrid variety?
hey disher:
here's a link to some flower photos from the park next door. I'm a city dweller so my garden consists of many planters- I can post some picks of that too if you;re interested.
I think it would be cool to do a green flower bed. Green Zinnia, green Hydrangea,..I've even seen a green rose online. There's probably a lot of them, if you research it.
I couldn't get the link to work, Ana. I'd love to see your flowers in pots though.
There's something really interesting to me about people who container garden in the city. If you have pics..
Hi Pat:
Can I send you the link via email? It's a secure gallery, so i think it doesn't let people just access it.
Sure Ana. I love looking a garden pics, I entertain myself that way a lot.
I have a friend that has a huge backyard. She has many 'theme' gardens. A pond garden, a fairy garden complete with fairy furniture, a black garden, a large zinnia garden, a butterfly garden and gardens just for birds, white garden, hanging gardens and on & on. She was featured in Better Homes & Gardens once. She does all her own gardening work, makes all her own pottery for her gardens too and sells it as well. She has tours and garden shows each summer. I admire & enjoy her work. To her it's not hard work, even when it is! I love my gardens too. I have learned a lot from her and she gave me all my perrienals starts.
ooh! I almost bought some of those seeds and now I wish I had. I love new and different plants. I used to have a rose that was light green, it was my favorite.
Oh, I'd like to see that Roxeanne! How long did it take her to get her whole yard that way? are there pics online??
coffeebean, a green rose sound like fun. I don't have any roses. I can't decide where I want them. I put in some for mom this year..but, I'm still thinking on roses.
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