OctoTwat and Hate Gosselin are fighting, as I'm sure you know. OctyTwat says Kate looks boxy and is not very educated. She's accused Kate of being an attention whore. Well, Kate IS boxy, Kate in a bikini looks like someone dressed up a brick. You can see it on RadarOnline. I'm on Octo's side. Punch her in the hair, OctyTwat! Kick her in the veneers! Kate giving OctyTwat mothering advice is like me giving you advice on how to stop using profanity. Suck off, Kate Crapelin! Isn't it fucked when you realize OctoTwat is the brainer of these two crazy whores? Look at her..Nadya has been practicing her Angelina in the nuthouse look.
I have to go run for the geezer team now, otherwise how would I be able to HATE MY LIFE.
I have to go run for the geezer team now, otherwise how would I be able to HATE MY LIFE.
geezer team - that's funny!!
goddammit eric. I was gonna say that!
I may agree with Octoguppylips , but what does Hate think of Octo's FACE?!
What a HOMELY (sorry for shouting) fucking face she has! And strangely, she thinks she's a beauty!! I just don't understand that woman, she MUST be delusional because no one would deliberately look like that, would they?
Hoe, I just love you! Although I'm not allowed to eat or drink while here for fear of the damage spewed coke will cause, I always appreciate you saying the very things I've been thinking.
Have you thought of comedy writing?
This new blog is THE BOMB!
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