I bought a new camera. It takes beautiful pics. I can't get them off the camera because the fucking softwear is fucked up. I hope all camera software makers eat shit and die and burn up in firey blaze from HELLLLLL and suck rotten green warty dick for eterity! Die you no good cocksuker muther fuckers! DIE!
Can you just return the camera or is that too simple?
I'm sorry you suffer, but I'm glad I'm not the only one that has trouble with that kind of stuff. Isay just about what you posted too. Then DH spends all night fiddling with it and it works when I get up.
i didn't like the software that came with my camera, so i just plug it into the USB and select it from "my computer." then i copy the pics i like and delete the rest and so on. are you able to do this with your camera? also, what make is it?
oooohmmm...take a deep breath! I went to Wal-Mart and bought a $15 card reader - I just stick my SD card in one end and plug the other into my USB port.
Download a FREE version of Picasa 3. http://picasa.google.com/ It is really fun for editing pics and it's FREE! Don't use the crap software they give you.
Once you get that software installed you click on the import button and choose the location of either your USB cable that's plugged into your computer. Or, if yours has it, plug the memory card right into the computer.
I remember my first digital. I felt the same way. Trust...it will get better and you will wonder how people can possible use film!!!
Easy, girl! Inhale PINK...exhale BLUE...
Isn't technology wonderful?
Can we have details?? What kind of camera? Where'd everything go wrong? A little more info and maybe someone on here can help you :)
that's why i am SOOOO glad i had a SD card reader installed in my computer - makes my life super easy. sorry to hear though. Is there a way you can download the pics straight to your computer files without messing with the software? That's what i do. When the computer first detects a piece of hardware it should ask you how you want to open the files. The default would be to use your software, but i choose to "open files" or something like that and it brings them up under "my pics". What software do you have?
Ubuntu Linux
Sounds like somebody hasn't had their coffee today.....
I second SD card reader. Or just plug the usb directly and let the puter do the work. I never use any of my camera's software, they're too confusing(unless it's the video camera)
I never even loaded the camera software, Pat. Just plug it into your computer and go.
Make sure your camera is on...:-)
It won't detect it if it's off.
I thought I had the same problem! Like others have mentioned, you can remove the memory card from the camera and (one way or another) plug it into the computer. Mine, plugs right into a slot on the side of my laptop. I had wondered what that slot was for!! Same goes for my memory card in my phone, it is a micro sd card, put it in the card in the adapter and plug it in. Take the pics off through your computer. My slot is labeled G drive. Hope you solve your problem!
I would be pissed too. I hate it when I buy something and then it doesn't work. Hopefully when you exchange the camera the new software will work. I'm looking forward to seeing the photos.
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