Sunday, June 21, 2009

Image in the TV

That's not my picture, I got it off Ghost Study. But, it interests me because there's this phenomenon known as TV ghosts. Many people have gotten human like apparitions in the turned off TV set. Ghost hunting, or paranormal hunting is one of the reasons I wanted a good camera. I've gotten many strange photos myself, but, my camera is so crappy I have to dismiss most of them. There's a few I know are real, they were taken for me..I don't try and prove things to anyone else. But, when I hear a disembodied voice say "Hey, over here" and I get a picture of an anomaly, you can bet I save it.
Anyway, taking photos of TV sets is one area of the paranormal research that's an interesting twist. You should try it if it interests you. Make sure the TV is turned off, obviously. I wonder if it's because televisions have high energy? They say spirits need energy to manifest. I believe that. There's also the "mirror ghost" phenom, but I hate mirrors. They scare me.


Anonymous said...

That so creepy!

Anonymous said...

Hello Chuckie! That would totally creep me out. I'm with you on the mirrors. I'm a grown woman and I still get freaked out sometimes when I go into the bathroom when it's dark thinking Bloody Mary is going to get me...Or the Candy Man.....Ahhhhhhhhhhh.... Sheesh, I'm a little ridiculous I know .

Pat said...

I thought Candy Man was creepy. Usually horror movies are fun and stupid. I hate seeing something in the mirror and spinning around and finding nothing there. It really scares me, so I avoid having mirrors in my house. There's a small one in the bathroom and that's quite enough for me.

And then there's all the legends about mirrors, another dimension and all that. I don't like it. I don't think we're ever alone.

Bayou Jane said...

When I moved into the house we own now, I found a full length mirror in the bathroom. When I got out the tub the first night, I saw the scariest thing I had ever seen! At my present age and weight, you can bet that mirror came down fast.


TVsnark said...

That is way too creepy for me. I still don't like mirrors in the dark.

Candyman was probably the movie that freaked me out the most. I remember that one scene in the filthy bathroom and I swear there was smell-o-vision (even though I was at my own house).

I still get freaked out whenever I see that actor!

TVsnark said...

Bayou Jane !!
Thanks for the laugh!

gardenhoe said...

Bayou Jane, LMAO! Ahhh yeah.

gardenhoe said...

I live with the paranormal. I don't even pretend I have answers, I just keep my mind open and try and not be frightened. It's just the way it's always been for me. My job is pretty fun, now that I've found employment that relates to the paranormal. People can laugh at me..I laugh too. I don't know what this stuff is. I just know I'm seldom alone.

Anonymous said...

LMAO Bayou Jane!!

Anonymous said...

i watched a film by jean cocteau and he used the image of the mirror as a passage into another dimension...

i see most spirits out of the corner of my eye...

gardenhoe said...

Yeah, many people tell me about that corner of the eye thing. A different perspective.

Heidi said...

Yeah, corner of the eye thing here too.
Have had it all my life so it does not really bother me anymore. You can stay here as long as you do NOT show yourself or steal my car keys.

Pat said...

Good attitude. I don't usually see them. I hear them though. Everywhere.

Nadine said...

:) yup mirrors scare ya my friend... but put them together with candles and ............... Hugssssssssssssssss @ Pat...

Anonymous said...

Wasn't that more true with the old tube type sets? They would take a bit to actually go off dark. I think thats when you'd see things. I haven't heard much about this recently. I figured the new TV's just go dark & thats that. This picture seems to be of a TV that IS on tho. Thanks for the update. Pretty cool pic. I'd shit if I saw that on my TV!!

Anonymous said...

Ever stood and stared into a mirror for a long time? You separate from yourself after a while & become a entity all differnt from the one you see. You see something else entirely. It has made me scream before. Scared me to death. Mirrors are a different dimension, they can't even get our faces straight. Ever notice one side of your face seems bigger than the other. Someone needs to give those mirror pixies a clue! Fix it, Just fix it!!