Someone on here commented about digging up a stray plant, though they didn't know what it was at the time, and getting a Moonflower. Yep, I found them on one of my nocturnal pilgrimages one night years ago. I went back in the day time and ask what they were and I've loved them since. You don't notice them during the day, they only bloom at night. HUGE white luminescent blooms of magical lightness. The flower and plant resembles a Morning Glory, but, so much bigger. And they are a bush, not a vine. I planted seeds around the house, near the tipsy pots. The soil isn't great there, but, seven seeds came up. They, luckily, came up spaced just right and the Moonflower bushes will cover a large area. Moonflowers are a perennial, but, only because they re-seed themselves. I'm with ya, buddy..Moonflowers are the most amazing thing and the best addition to a night garden ever. You can see blooming ones HERE. And I can't wait to take my own pictures.
My moonflower post was so long that I didn't add that the seeds are supposedly an halucinagenic. People grind them up, and smoke them. No, I've never tried it and don't intend to!
i love how they smell!!!
my moonflowers do not reseed....morning glories yes, moonflowers no :(
You can trip on them? Didn't know that.
In this neighborhood, they reseed. I guess they wouldn't everywhere. Depends on the soil and room they have to germinate. Tia, do you save the seeds? I think I'm going to have to replace all the dirt in that spot, it's crap. I think my son changed his Motorcycle oil there.
We are growing them this year.They are fast!
The best book I ever read (and it has been re-released after being out of print) is a novel by Jetta Carleton called "The Moonflower Vine". Fantastic. I read it again every few years.
I don't think you have to worry about the soil they're growing in. The spot where I dug it up from was pretty gross!
Thanks Maureen. And I think I need to get that book, Denise.
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