One would thinks an only slightly brain damaged pisser like me would just tell them..I work today. That way they could have gone this morning. But, who am I to interrupt their old lady routine of turkey bacon and egg breakfasts served to each other in front of the new flat screen TV they don't understand the remote to, while The View plays on closed caption because they are both pretend deaf. Nope, I refuse to play their game. We're too old and feeble to know when you work after 12 years of the same schedule. We're just sweet old ladies, helpless really, look at us!
I will simply simmer in silence and be late for work, it's better that way in the long run. Resentment is a gift. It must be slowly brought to a boil after years of stewing. Trust me. Did I mention I'm practically an albino and it's hot today? Yes. Maybe I can pick up some sunscreen as I wait in the car for hours while they stand inside in the AC debating the merits of light canned kidney beans versus dark canned kidney beans. And people wonder why I stopped the DirtyDisher. FUCKBALLSzzzz!
You try to hide it under a thin veneer of disdain, but you...lady friend...are a giver. You give a lot to people who would have much less without you. Try to hide it, but we're on to you!
LMFAO!!!!! I cant wait till Im old and can torture my kids.....
DD, do you mind if I ask what your job is? Also, who are the old ladies you chaueffer around?
I know you had once mentioned that you rented a room somewhere and did readings, I think??
I am a Tarot reader, I work for myself. I do rent a space uptown to do it in. The old ladies are my aunt and mother.
Uhh, today my aunt decided to go on the gambling bus, my mom decided she only needed milk and I got to work and it was slow. Ranted for nothing. Consider it a pre-rant, they'll want to go in the morning. And the next day and the next day and the next day....
And yes, I shuld have read my own cards first.
Thank God you're still around to make me lol everyday after work.
How did you get into Tarot reading?
do you have many clients that come to you for readings?
post an article bout it next! plz
here in australia we are so freaked about sun (skin) cancer that everyone has a vitamin d deficiency and thats not good. get in the sun dd. thats what gardening is for. i'm glad you've done this...... ditched celeb's.
No. I don't do sun. Ever.
Sure, I could talk about Tarot reading.
I'd love it if you did a piece on Tarot Reading!! I've always wanted to be able to do something on that line but I'm convinced you have to be born with the skill.
The old ladies are lucky to have you. I'll just bet they know you love them too..
You can love the little old ladies but want to stuff them in the boot of your car on check day.It's true, fact, they can and will drive you insane if given the tinest opening lol. Been there done that.
Gardenhoe - How do you avoid the sun w/that beautiful garden? What area of the country are you in? I'm down south (NC) and have 'maters size of my fist...
I garden only in the rain or at night.
And I live in Iowa.
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