She's a bad pet owner. She babies the cats and feeds them tuna, but, she won't make them stay in her yard. She could top out the fenced in area and keep them home, or she could keep them in the house, but, she refuses to, because "cats are no bother."
CATS ARE A BOTHER! I can't get it through her thick head. If you love your pets...keep them in their own yard. Jesus..is that so hard to understand? I didn't shoot her cat..in case you were thinking that. But, I have squirted it with the hose. Because that cat pisses me off.
The cat didn't die. There's no vet on Sunday so we pulled the bullet out. It was lodged in it's throat. I don't know why it didn't go clear through, maybe the shooter was too far away. It was a 22. We disinfected the wound and the cat is fine. You think the cat has learned anything? My Mom hasn't.
Oh, and the photo? That's where she decided she'd pull weeds yesterday. The problem? Those plants she killed are the Heavenly Blues she asked me to plant. Then she moved on to pull up her own Blanket Flowers I'd already kept weeded. I watched her. She thought they were Ragweed. I don't give a fuck, I don't like Gallardia anyway and it's her damn flower bed. I think she's nuts. No, seriously, I think she's nuts.
Sounds like Alzheimer's or dementia to me. How old is your mom? Don't be so hard on her, you will miss her one day.
The cat can now impress its friends by blowing smoke out its neck.
Poor kitty. Good thing you were able to take the bullet out. Scary stuff. Who shoots cats!
Your mom is no where near crazy!
Yeah, I agree with Naseem. I don't think your mom is nuts (at least, not yet). She is probably slightly bored and likes your attention. How on earth did you get the bullet out? How did the cat do while you were pulling it out? Lawdy, I hope I have the same balls you do if this ever happens to me.
The bullet was kind of melty looking, like bullets are after they hit something. A lead blob sticking out of the throat area. A .22 is not big and it makes a small hole. The cats pain was brief, she seems fine now.
They are too nuts!! Now I remember why I left home at 14 and never looked back. I can't believe I live next door to these dumb ass's.
By the way, (unless it's in the brain) I'd rather take a .22 than a kidney stone.
I love cats alot but I have to say crabbie I almost spit my pepsi on the laptop! ROFL
You would seriously KNOW if those ladies were truly losing it. They are just old and have decided they dont give a fuck! I think everyone who lives to a ripe old age of wrinkles, grey hair, support hose, and a non-existent sex life deserves to not give a fuck. Unfortunately you get to be the brunt of the shit. So sorry..I have been there myself when my Mom was alive.
It's not age, they've always been like this.
Word Crabbie!
My cats are indoor and my dog is on a leash or on the runner in our yard. And she is only out there long enough to do her business and she is back at the door wanting in.
I hate people who allow their dogs to shit in your yard (when they get loose) and then do NOT pick it up. I once scooped it up with my shovel, walked over to their yard, and dropped it on the front walk. Heidi dont play that!
My new headline for my e-Harmony.com ad:
I'm Shelly.
My dreams are to live to a ripe old age of wrinkles, grey hair, support hose, and a non-existent sex life deserves to not give a fuck.
Wait a tick Heidi.. I AM living the DREAM!!
that is pretty amazing that the cat is still alive! I have 6 cats myself, and one is always going outside and pissing on our deck to mark the house as "his" its so annoying i wanna run him over, but hes the sweetest thing
Sitting here and grinning @ the old ladies and their "whatever" attitude.... Pat your mom has always been eccentric and your stories about her have always amused me (most of them anyway) so keep them coming.... I love them. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww poor cat.... good thing you were around to perform the surgery... :)
It wasn't a surgery on the Prarie, like on TV, it was just a lead blob and tweezers. That cat hates me.
I admire the pure spunk and grit it takes to deal with all you do. I would not be able to cope as well as you...
Ehhh, they drive me insane. You don't hate or love anyone like your own family.
well that's just it - they are family so you either get use to them or disown them lol. Talk about a cat having 9 lives.
You are very lucky to still have your mom Pat, although most days you would argue this lol.
I know, Crys, and I love my Mom, but damn! She wants to visit with me, but, won't wear her hearing aid. I mean..jesus.
I do have to add that though her cats are irritating, she spays half the neighborhood. She's always having me run some cat to the vet that doesn't even belong to her.
Pat, you said that you left home at age 14. Where did you go and what did you do? And why are you back there now? Have been a reader of DD but only recently of Lambs Quarter, which I love. Just curious.
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