You have to watch this video from
RadarOnline where Nadya talks about the anon sperm doner. She confirms what I thought all along. She's insanely in love with this dude and he doesn't want her. He did have sex with her 10 years ago and it must have rocked her world because she had 14 of his kids and remained celibate. She says. I know she's a compulsive liar, but, the crap about sperm doner, I think, might be true. She even tricked him by freezing fertilized embryos without his permission and risked her life to have 8 kids at once, just to get with this guy. It didn't work. So now she's resorting to sending him pathetic messages on video. This is the most bizarre non-relationship I've ever seen.
I mean, holy shitballs, I've seen some stalkers. Had a few of my own. I've known crazy bitches that would get pregnant to try and snag a certain man and women who were consumed by their imaginary true love, but, this?? Nope. Nadya is the ultimate stalker of the world..the universe.
Have you ever been stalked? Have you ever met anyone like her? She's really frightening. Come on, tell me your opinion and your stalker story.
He probably said he would call; and did.
She probably picked him up after one of her pole dancing gigs and fell for him. Now, he's gotta be running for his life from this nutjob and her gagillion curtain climbers! What a creepy, unbalanced, wacko she is.
My stalker was a much-younger guy who I made the very bad mistake of taking home for a one-night stand right after I got divorced. The usual crap happened: he thought we were dating just because we'd had sex but I just wanted to have fun. He started waiting at the bar for me and questioning random people to see what they knew about me. He was told by the staff and pretty much everyone else to fuck off so he stopped that. Then he started hanging around outside my house where my neighbour saw him and also warned him off. Next he followed me to work. He came right in, asked for me like he had business with me. I pushed him off, he freaked out right in the reception area and the cops were called. They took him outside but whatever they did/said to him didn't work. Two days later my boss saw him crawling towards my workplace through the weeds in a field behind the warehouse. It looked like he thought he was in Nam or something. It was hilarious in a way but mostly creepy and sad. He kept popping his head up, looking around, crawling a little more, etc. The cops were waiting for him by the time he crawled his way to the loading dock. I think they kicked his ass that time and then I got a restraining order and that was the last of him.
You know the stupidest thing about that stalker guy? What really bothered him wasn't what he kept saying it was. He kept saying crap like "we have a connection, I know it's crazy but I'm in love with you" and bullshit like that. The truth of it was that he was really just so in love with *himself* that he could not believe that an older woman would just fuck him and chuck him. I think he was just so convinced he was that much of a once-in-a-lifetime catch for me and probably had it all played out in his head where he would dump me after he got tired of me and I would cry and be stalking *him* and he would have stories to tell his friends and shit. When it quickly became obvious that that wasn't happening I think he just lost it.
And that's really what I think all stalking boils down to, a big fucked-up, self-absorbed psycho temper tantrum.
-the anon with the first stalker story
Hey Pat btw, I just noticed there's no time stamps anymore. Is that on purpose, or is there a setting or something? Just wondering.
Nadya is so twisted, but in some ways I feel bad for her. Between the eyerolling and lip twitching, hand motions and mumbling I sometimes find myself completely missing what she's saying...
The babies are precious.
I've never had a stalker. Reading anon's ordeal was scarey enough...
wow- that woman is fucked up in so many ways. And people are talking about the Gosselins?? Jeez, octomom's kids are so much worse off than the G kids. Scary shit for those kids.
if you want to meet some stalkers join a group called donor sibling registry (its a registry set up for donor conceived children and their mothers to locate donors and half siblings - oprah loves the woman who set this thing up and has had her on her show several times, thus making a big advertisement for sperm donation). its full of women who have children from donated sperm and now spend their lives day dreaming about 'the donor', who has reached a god-like status in their lives.... for offering them the 'gift of life'. then there are the poor buggers born from sperm donation. they generally suffer identity crises and go through life wondering who their real father is, what he looks like, what he does, where he is, and what he's like. all the mothers have a bit of octopussy in them in that they care more about their own needs than the needs of their offspring.
There's no time stamp because it just worked out that way. Should I try to get it on? The time was always wrong anyway. No time for my area was ever lised in the choices. That would be rural ButtCram Iowa.
So, your stalker imagined a connection? I have one like that. He's harmelss though. He's into astrology and I'm a Tarot reader so he imagines we have this psychic thing. He does my charts in pencil (like 20 pages) and leaves them in the mailbox. It's been going on for years. I can't understand the charts at all. Or him. But, at least he doesn't scare me.
Oh, and he takes photos of me, like my own little pap. I used to go to work in my pajamas. Now I always try and look decent. See? Stalkers are good for something.
Re the time stamp thing, it might not have the right time but at least it gave us a way to identify anon posts we might want to respond to, you know? Like, Anon 2:59 said blah blah blah....
That's all I was thinking really.
It's been a while for me. I stopped dating about 6 years ago. I worked at a Ford plant from '99 to '06. For some reason guys there think "Hello" means hit on me. I even took to wearing my dummy wedding ring, didn't help. I had a few stalkers throughout my dating career, my first husband is the most memorable. Cut the screen in my bedroom window so he could check my answering machine after we had split up. I wasn't home and the neighbor caught him and called the cops. He spent a couple nights in jail for that. A few years ago I read Amber Frey's book about Scott Peterson, and then I read a book called The Sociopath Next Door. Stopped dating right then and there. Oh course my family thinks I'm gay. I don't care, a piece of ass ain't worth the invasion of your personal space and time. My best friend is like minded, we have our own money, like living alone and really, things can be so complicated with a boyfriend. So, I talk about her a lot, she's close to my kid. No natch my family thinks I'm queer. However, I'm almost done with school, and am moving to a bigger city. I wouldn't mind some male companionship then. I don't know if I'll ever get married again. I really have no need to. I'm 43, financially stable, like my own company, and if I die I want my kid to get everything.
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