Lissa kicked the heck out of my tipsy pots this morning. I saw her do it. It didn't take long to figure out why she did it. I went over and pulled back the plants and showed her the pole running through them. She said "It's not magic?" I said, no, it's just a pole. She left them alone after that. SOME people around here would have yelled at her and told her NO! Then there would have been big trouble and a big dramatic scene. She's just not a NO kind of kid, that's not how her mind works. I don't think people who aren't as smart as her should be babysitting her, that's all I'm saying. But, it's not my call.
Yesterday, after work, we had a great time and she was really good. I gave her some boxes of salt and she made roads with it. She let me be the blue car. Yep, right on the carpet. Hey, it cleans up easy, it dispels negativity in your house and where else can a kid have hours of fun for less than a buck? Try it. You're not Kate Gosselin, right?
Yesterday, after work, we had a great time and she was really good. I gave her some boxes of salt and she made roads with it. She let me be the blue car. Yep, right on the carpet. Hey, it cleans up easy, it dispels negativity in your house and where else can a kid have hours of fun for less than a buck? Try it. You're not Kate Gosselin, right?
Lissa is a great kid, I don't care what anyone says. 'Specially dumb people. She's just different.
I just looked at this top pic compared with the one yesterday. She looks so happy and sweet in this one (which she is) and in yesterdays, the same kid, sticking out her tongue looks hateful and defiant.
I don't like these lame idiots around here telling me what to do either. I get hateful too. I wish I could win the lottery and kidnap her. None of them would ever see us again. We'd call Casey though. LOL.
love her hair color.
Lissa is ace, I really like reading about her. You just seem to "get" her! :)
I agree with Heather, I think you and Lis were made for eachother. Screw everybody else.
Thanks. Screw 'em all. They piss me off.
You know, I put it down to her being extremely brilliant as she likes and strives to understand and know how things work. Explaining the pots was your best defense - once she understood, she was fine with them.
I loved the idea of salt - damn you are clever DD. Your arts degree is coming out again for her and it is great to see.
I love these pic's of her because she looks sweet and young in them -and although she isn't that old, she is growing up every day.
To hell with what others think, it is their loss if they can't appreciate the good things in people and what others can offer and Alissa has a ton to offer.
Awwww, thanks.
Oh, and I'm not the clever one. She thought of it and asked permission. I said, why not?
And I meant to add that salt is nothing like sand in your house. Ewww sand.
She's lucky to have you
Thanks Frimmmy. She's unique. Aint nobody like her.
I love that kid! I'm coming home for her B-day!!!
You know this kid is gonna grow up and be extraordinarily famous!! She'll probably invent something.
she'll dedicate her first book to you.
I agree that Lis will grow up to be somebody absolutely extraordinary.
Love your interaction with her. Wish more people could understand that kids don't come with a this is how you do it manual. It is all about understanding the child and growing and learning with them.
Thanks for still being out there in the blogosphere!
Thanks for reading me.
Casey J comin' home. Yay! Lis will be so excited.
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