I still have enough of the poor Lemon Boy to make a decent plant, but, I hate cutworms. I searched and I only found one more. Too late for them to apologize now. It's war. Tomorrow, when it stops raining, I'm hitting everything with an organic solution of Ivory Soap and then some Sevin. Boo hoo to organic gardening. It can kiss my Tomato loving ass. I still have 19 and a half plants....and I learned something. Hopefully you did too. Oh, they don't just kill Tomato's. They kill everything. I'm sure all this rain helped the larva hatch. I wonder what else will attack? Bastards!
I still have enough of the poor Lemon Boy to make a decent plant, but, I hate cutworms. I searched and I only found one more. Too late for them to apologize now. It's war. Tomorrow, when it stops raining, I'm hitting everything with an organic solution of Ivory Soap and then some Sevin. Boo hoo to organic gardening. It can kiss my Tomato loving ass. I still have 19 and a half plants....and I learned something. Hopefully you did too. Oh, they don't just kill Tomato's. They kill everything. I'm sure all this rain helped the larva hatch. I wonder what else will attack? Bastards!
I can't tell by the pics what the cutworm looks like, or where the damage is.
I used to, when I had a garden, use a mixture of dish soap, cigarette butts, vinegar and water. Let it "brew" in a spray bottle for a day or two. It really worked. Try it on a test area.
I can't tell by the pics what the cutworm looks like, or where the damage is.
I used to, when I had a garden, use a mixture of dish soap, cigarette butts, vinegar and water. Let it "brew" in a spray bottle for a day or two. It really worked. Try it on a test area.
You've come a long way since your tv tray dinners :) Organic veggies, hmmm yummy!
We used to take black tar paper and make a tube (use duct tape to hold it shut) to plant the tomato in. It keeps them from getting in.
You can use soap, but make sure it's SOAP..not detergent. People use hot pepper spray too. What do cig butts do?
There's no cutworm in the photo, Maureen. The cutworm is inside the stem of the pant. That's the damage he caused. They'll snap your plants right off.
Interesting Karla, I've heard diff things about tubes. I've never used them, but, I've never had cutworms before. This crazy weather we're having here is bound to bring all kinds of insects.
My dad used to use the cardboard roll from toilet paper. Slit it on the side and wrap it around the stem. He would sink it in the ground. It did the job.
Good idea too. Thanks.
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