I let Lissa pull the short row of Radishes, I pulled the tallest ones, because they're kind of stickery. She had a good time working out there. The tall ones didn't have nice radishes. The short plants made lovely Radishes though. Plenty of 'em. There are still hundreds left that aren't crowding the Tomatoes. What was I thinking? Anyhow, there's today's pickings. Lots of Lettuce, Onions, Spinach and Red Thingys. We'll be picking this stuff for weeks. It's pretty, isn't it? I had a fresh salad for lunch and it was gooooooooood. But, when will the Tomatoes be ripe? Come on, Tomatoes!
By the way, I love playing with the water hose, so it's hardly a chore. Lis loves it too.
By the way, I love playing with the water hose, so it's hardly a chore. Lis loves it too.
I am no gardener, but I do remember growing up and my dad being a great one and the tomatoes took forever to ripen - in fact I think they were one of the last veg we were eating - so don't despair.
Your salad I bet was so much better then the store bought kinds.
Are your radishes hot? some are, and some aren't.
These are called Crimson Bell, but, they were a bunch of cheap seeds I picked up and they seem to have diff kinds in them. From red and round, to dark red beet sized and white and pink striped long ones. None of them are real hot. I kind of like Radishes when they get woody.
Yeah, I know. Patience, right? I'm hungry for a Tomatoe and I have some fair sized green ones.
Fried green tomatoes, please. Do you think they would ship ok? lol
They might!
I'm amazed at how fast your garden is producing.
I'm suprised at how quickly everything grew! I hate vegetables though... growing any other fruit besides the strawberries?? :)
The radishes you pulled out look really good. I plucked out a few yesterday and they did not look like that and the rest of the radish plant only had roots and no radish even though they were fully grown. I'm not doing this right at all!
Did you eat it with homemade Green Goddess dressing?
I suddenly remembered you posting the recipe from DD reader and how goooood that dressing is.
Corina, we have plums. All the neighbors have Apples, so we get plenty. I am going to put in a real Stawberry bed and I want some dwarf fruit trees. I like the looks of the Espalier grown stuff. I want grapes too. I have plenty of room, it's just getting it all prepared that's difficult. Now that I have part of it done, I can work on other things for next year.
Naseem, I don't think you did anything wrong. It was just a weird weather year for Radishes. Same in your area, I think. Your garden actually looks amazing.
Yep, Peggy's Green Goddess dressing rocks. I love that stuff.
And yeah, Karla, doesn't it seem quick? The days go by so fast.
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