Saturday, June 6, 2009

Who's the bad guy?

Did you hear that Mattel Inc. and its Fisher-Price subsidiary have to pay $3 million in fines for serving up lead paint to our kids? Yeah, The Consumer Product Safety Commission socked it to them, huu? What a joke. How about a fine of $300 billion? That might put a dent in their greedy pockets. $3 million is less than the CEO of Mattel spends getting their own children's toys hand painted in the good old USA, sans lead paint. I told you guys a long time ago China hates us. They put lead paint on everything on purpose. Everything. Don't handle your Christmas lights without gloves, by the way. So, I fully expected this shit from dog eating China, but, Mattel and Fisher Price? Big companies don't care if our kids grow up stupid if they make the bucks. Evil abounds and the people who are supposed to look out for us give them a slap on the wrist. Not even a good bitch slap.
I still hate dog eating, girl killing China and I hate big industry too. I hate the governments who allow this bullshit. And use your brain please...Chinese Americans have nothing to do with China, except their ancestry. Blaming them for this is like blaming me for the Holocaust because my fucktard father was German. So calling me a bigot is pretty stupid. The Trailer Park boys could figure that out. We just have to figure out what to give our kids that's safe. Maybe a pack of cigarettes and some lighters? Hey, it beats sucking on pure lead. At least they'd stand a chance at a normal IQ. In the meantime, you're really smart if you can figure out who, on the Consumer Product Safety Commision, Mattel has in it's fat pocket.


Anonymous said...

I'm only half-awake right now (yeah, I know; it's nearly ELEVEN), so all I can say is outstanding post, and I'm totally with ya. The perpetual "Get rich or die trying" mentalily in the country just REFUSES to die, and I'm just too disgusted. Need more java. Thanks, Pat, hope all's well.


gardenhoe said...

All is great, thanks. I'm on my second pot of java.

Dan Zinski said...

Want a job moderating my comments? I'll pay you in coffee beans.

gardenhoe said...

What comments would that be?

Anonymous said...

i thought it was sweet in the trailer park boys when ricky and trinity were sharing the patch to try to get trinity to quit smoking....cuz i think she was 8....then when she was around 10 she was driving the shitmobile around the park....

now see, trinity smoking and driving at age 10, is doing better than kids sucking on lead paint put on by greedy mo-fo toy manufacturers...

your rant was absolutely spot on dd!

sorry, can't think well today, bad air day...

is it the same email addy to send you pix?

gardenhoe said...
