Sunday, May 31, 2009
The war with giant slugs

We have pumpkins, dawma!!!

We waited SO long for the Pumpkin seeds to hatch. I thought maybe the seeds weren't any good. But, Lissa found little Pumpkin plants this morning and she was so excited. By this afternoon they had grown a whole new leaf! They're in part shade, a no no, but we don't follow rules. The shade of a huge Walnut tree...never plant a Walnut tree where you have to mow, trust me. We planted a a whole package of Pumpkins, I'll bet we get a few at least. Don't ask me what the deal is with her headband, that's how she wears them now.
Aunt Ruth and her strawberries

Aunt Ruth is a character. That's putting it politely. What is she now, 90? Everyone in the family gets irritated with her because she's rude and she knows everything. Oddly..I don't mind her. She makes me laugh, even when she's telling me how to drive. She hates my daughter in law. She knows the girl is sensitive about her weight so Aunt Ruth will say "Have you gained weight? Your ass looks a lot fatter." LMAO!
She says that shit to me too, but, I can play. I say "You wish you had this bootay, Aunt Ruth." Then I turn around and slap it. She claims she can hardly walk anymore, but, when my other aunt comes over and tells her the gambling bus to White Cloud is running, she hauls her old butt out the door like nobodies business. In Nike's, no less. Them's gambling shoes.
She says that shit to me too, but, I can play. I say "You wish you had this bootay, Aunt Ruth." Then I turn around and slap it. She claims she can hardly walk anymore, but, when my other aunt comes over and tells her the gambling bus to White Cloud is running, she hauls her old butt out the door like nobodies business. In Nike's, no less. Them's gambling shoes.
She also tells me how to run my garden, claiming she was a huge gardener. Funny, I don't remember that. I must have a mental block. I planted her strawberries in pots for her ( and I water them) and she gets a big kick out of harvesting them. If she saves them up for a week she might have enough to decorate one piece of cake. Some of the younger members of the family just think she's an old bitch. They don't remember when she was a wood carving sculptor..a really good one too..and a photographer. Back when she had a real life and was a beautiful redhead. But, I remember. I am going to put in a strawberry patch for her when I get time. She can tell me how I did it all wrong. I enjoy our little arguments. She never had any children, but, she can tell you how to raise yours. She was the first person to take me to a dentist. She thought kids needed dental care. Crazy woman.
She also tells me how to run my garden, claiming she was a huge gardener. Funny, I don't remember that. I must have a mental block. I planted her strawberries in pots for her ( and I water them) and she gets a big kick out of harvesting them. If she saves them up for a week she might have enough to decorate one piece of cake. Some of the younger members of the family just think she's an old bitch. They don't remember when she was a wood carving sculptor..a really good one too..and a photographer. Back when she had a real life and was a beautiful redhead. But, I remember. I am going to put in a strawberry patch for her when I get time. She can tell me how I did it all wrong. I enjoy our little arguments. She never had any children, but, she can tell you how to raise yours. She was the first person to take me to a dentist. She thought kids needed dental care. Crazy woman.
Beans and scabs

Lissa was checking her beans this morning and on the way back to the house, she fell down and skinned her knees. She cried until I told her she'd have more scabs to pick. Picking scabs is her hobby. Her mom and great gram told her it's an awful habit and she could get infected. I told her to ignore them. Scab picking is an art.
Daisies at night

I planted many white flowers for the night. And a lot of pastels, which show up good by moonlight. I think you should garden for yourself. Impressing anyone else is pitiful incentive. Chances are no one is going to care or do it for you, you might as well plant what you enjoy. Same with decorating for holidays. People have asked me why I do it when I live such a solitary life. I do it for me.
I planted many white flowers for the night. And a lot of pastels, which show up good by moonlight. I think you should garden for yourself. Impressing anyone else is pitiful incentive. Chances are no one is going to care or do it for you, you might as well plant what you enjoy. Same with decorating for holidays. People have asked me why I do it when I live such a solitary life. I do it for me.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thank you, Daphne!

Basket of red Geraniums

It's still not to late to buy some Annuals, now on sale. And you can put Perennials in all summer because they take a year to get nice. I'm going to check the stores dumpster at the end of this month. That's when they throw all this stuff away and you can get it free. It looks like crap, but, like I said, Perennials usually look like crap the first year anyway.
You know where else you can get free plants? The cemeteries. They have a pick up date for plants posted at the entry. If people don't pick up their Memorial Day grave plants by that date, the maintenance crews will throw them out. They have to, so they can mow. Check the garbage or cemetery burn pile on the day after pick up date. It will be mostly Annuals, but, many containers of hanging Begonias, Inpatients, Petunias..other nice stuff all ready to go to your porch or flower bed.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Nancy Today..stained glass pannels for the garden
This is such a great idea and pretty easy. I don't have any place to hang them, but, I'll bet I will next year. I have lots of stained glass tools and things left from past projects, whouldn't it be great to make some of these? Yep. Now, where did I put my soldering iron?
Still growing

Look at my seedlings. Yup, they are now the same size as the 6 Marigolds I bought, and they are budding. Which tells me, it doesn't matter if you plant seeds or buy plants, they will grow exactly the same, at the same rate. By the time the plants get over root shock and take off, the seedlings are the same size because they never had root shock. Hardly any weeds either because I scattered seeds so close together. It worked just like I said. I'm not as blond as I am.
Look at my seedlings. Yup, they are now the same size as the 6 Marigolds I bought, and they are budding. Which tells me, it doesn't matter if you plant seeds or buy plants, they will grow exactly the same, at the same rate. By the time the plants get over root shock and take off, the seedlings are the same size because they never had root shock. Hardly any weeds either because I scattered seeds so close together. It worked just like I said. I'm not as blond as I am.
Stupid Daisy clumps are uneven. And baby Daisy's are everywhere. I can't control the flowers. I can't control the flowers. Repeat 40 times and get the shovel. Oh, pink Snapdragon starting to bloom..that's gonna be pretty.
Hydroponically stoned

I groaned. Nooo. He did it anyway. This poor kid wasted so many months trying to figure out male plants and female plants..I about cried. Because it was clear he loved his garden as much as I love mine. In case you don't know..male plants don't bud. With seeds, there is no way to know if all your plants will have to be destroyed because they aren't female. You are taking a huge risk to potentially get nothing.
Poor little fucker finally did end up with an impressive quarter pound off four little plants, but, it took him....god, I don't know, years?? Though he was painted green as a disguise, Jesus, he seemed to be growing older as the videos went on. All I could think was, if he'd had a Grandma who taught him to grow Tomatoes he would have been a rich and happy little dude in three months. Grandma's know how to clone Tomatoes. LMAO!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Not so bad now, is it?

Fence flowers

Mom's fence flowers look pretty, despite the stick to ya weeds. That crazy thing she wired to the fence is some piece of broken ... thing...that's supposed to be a bird bath. She's notorious for that. She didn't even think that maybe that hole goes all the way through. Heh. So, then she just sat an old skillet on top. Should I patch the hole, throw the whole thing in the garbage, or leave her alone?
Today I saw Siberian Iris at the pharmacy. The flowers were smaller but, intense and the foliage was really beautiful. I got Iris envy. Gotta find some of those suckers.
Propogating Sedum

And if you have varigated Sedum, you have to pinch off the plain shoots that come out or your plant will revert to it's usual form. So, you might as well root them. Pretty stuff, huu? Legend has it, a house that has Sedum in the yard will never be struck by lightening.
And if you have varigated Sedum, you have to pinch off the plain shoots that come out or your plant will revert to it's usual form. So, you might as well root them. Pretty stuff, huu? Legend has it, a house that has Sedum in the yard will never be struck by lightening.
For Miss Tia

There's the underside of the porch...warts and all. The fiberglass panels are cheap, I'm guessing $10 bucks apiece. They do give good shade and the light is interesting. There's a baby Starling sticking it's greedy head out of a hole, waiting for it's bitchy mother. Those birds are creepy to me, but, Ma gets a kick out of them.
Nothing is forever

Mom's porch

The scheme of things...

My Mom interrupted my gossip blogging this morning claiming I had to take her dog to the vet. The dog, Evie is sick. I was mildly irritated because I was sick yesterday and got nothing done and today is now sucking as well. Then I got real and said to myself, in the scheme of things in my life, what is more important? Gossip blogging or an old blind dog? The answer was easy..Evie. She's my Mother's constant companion. We've always had dogs, I can't remember a time when we didn't have dogs. The whole yard is marked with the graves of old dogs, much loved, each one special. The vet gave Evie some antibiotics and hopefully she'll get better and my irritation has passed. My Mother loves that dog. She's really good with dogs. She can house train any pup in two weeks with nary a hint of scolding or meanness. I don't know how she does it, it's her gift. I wonder if I'll get to blog tomorrow? I have to work, but, not until 1 pm. Oh, well, get well, Evie, you old blind pisser. I had some admiration for the three pound wonder when she tried to bite them all and they had to muzzle her. Snort.
Monday, May 25, 2009
A hi to new readers...and old ones


Onions, Turnips, Cabbage. I had to mark the Turnips, they look just like Radishes right now. I don't like them that much, but, my Mom loves them. She doesn't know I planted them for her.
Onions, Turnips, Cabbage. I had to mark the Turnips, they look just like Radishes right now. I don't like them that much, but, my Mom loves them. She doesn't know I planted them for her.
Cabbage is good, but, cheap. There's no real reason to grow your own except it's such a beautiful plant. I think it would look good in a flower bed. Don't tell me you hate Cabbage, without it there'd be no cole slaw. Yum. I like to eat it raw, like potato chips. With Tomato Juice for dip. I always have some in the fridge. Is that weird? That stuff above the Cabbage is Spinach. First time growing it. It looked just like grass..wtf? Now it's getting real leaves.
Cabbage is good, but, cheap. There's no real reason to grow your own except it's such a beautiful plant. I think it would look good in a flower bed. Don't tell me you hate Cabbage, without it there'd be no cole slaw. Yum. I like to eat it raw, like potato chips. With Tomato Juice for dip. I always have some in the fridge. Is that weird? That stuff above the Cabbage is Spinach. First time growing it. It looked just like grass..wtf? Now it's getting real leaves.
Lissie in the rain

Lis loves the rain as much as I do. We're always out in it. I like having this site for pictures, it sure helps me get thing sorted in my files. I have so much crap with the celeb pics if I don't sort it everyday it becomes a real problem. This way I know the important ones are on here. These are the important ones. :)
Stupidly joyous

Me pulling radishes in my jammies this morning. And my Tomatoes are a good two foot tall, spreading rapidly with sturdy thumb sized stems. I notice the Brandywines are far superior as plants to the hybrid ones now. I guess they're just weaker when they're little and you have to protect them and harden them off slowly. The one that's doing the best though is a hybrid called Lemon Boy. It's huge..I think it's a determinate variety. I love it out there.
Coming along...

Planting Okra with Hollyhocks is a trick I learned by accident. The Hollyhocks are bi-annuals and they won't bloom this year. The Okra is about the same height and has papery yellow flowers similar to the Hollyhocks. I don't have a clue how to cook Okra. I just think it's pretty.
Planting Okra with Hollyhocks is a trick I learned by accident. The Hollyhocks are bi-annuals and they won't bloom this year. The Okra is about the same height and has papery yellow flowers similar to the Hollyhocks. I don't have a clue how to cook Okra. I just think it's pretty.
What's blooming?

Peonies in reds and pinks everywhere. The graveyard flower..it opens every Memorial Day. Mason jars of sloshing Peonies carried to graves everywhere here. In a few days the huge flowers will be too heavy for the bush and they will fall to the ground looking like crap. They smell good, but, I can take them or leave them. I think it's a city ordinance that everyone has some.
Iris's...in purples and yellow. I love them, they smell amazing and look like glass. They'll last a good while too and then the foliage still looks good most of the summer.
Daisies..well..they are my favorite flower, but, they are also weeds. They just take over here. I transplanted some and mowed the rest. Daisies are different, the actual petals grow. You know how some flowers bloom and the petals are one size and they just have to open? Daisies aren't like that. I've been watching them. The petals are short and then grow long. I guess that's why the blooms last so long. They last a long long time as cut flowers too.
What's blooming where you live?
What's blooming where you live?
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Lissie swimmin'..

After school Lis had such a nice day. I filled her little pool, that she's been begging me to play in since March, and she really got into it. The neighbors came in on some horses and she petted them. Lucky they were old tame horses because she fears nothing and I had to hold her back from getting under their hooves. Later she inspected her bean garden. She really loves that bean garden, which surprises me. Man, if you want to get a kid involved in gardening, give them beans. I've found out, with her, they grow fast and keep her attention. She talks to her beans. It's very sweet to watch. No plans to eat any yet. That might be asking too much.
Lissa got a hair cut

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