I went and bought some things yesterday. My goal is to have a nice garden, but, not spend a fortune on it. It kind of becomes counter productive when you do that, but, you have to buy some things, I guess. I spent about $40 bucks, but, a lot of that was for seeds. I found seeds at the Dollar Store priced at 3 packs for a buck. That's a very good price and they work. I already planted radishes from there and they're all up, not a skip in the row, so I guess they're as good as the seeds from anywhere else. Some things they didn't have and I had to pay $2.00-$2.79 a pack. That's too much for seeds! It pissed me off and I won't buy them again. I'll save my own seeds after this year.
I usually run to the nursery and buy the same day I'm planting, but, yesterday I didn't have a chance to plant them, so there they sit. Yesterday I was so busy I couldn't even blog. It was old lady check day so I was running Mom and Aunt around and they had to go everywhere. They didn't make me wait as long as they usually do, so that was good. Boy, did they load up though and I have to carry it all in. They are just too old to be lifting all that stuff. They try and I have to be patient and tell them to JUST GO INSIDE. Please. They get in the way and it takes me forever to unload with them piddling around. If they'd just accept the help and go inside and sit down it would make my life easier. They stand in front of the open trunk and debate "Is this your bread, Louella, or is this my bread?" "Oh, no, I bought rye bread, it's good for arthritis." Or some such shit, while I stand there trying to lug their 200 lbs. of cat food in the house. And the bread debate is ridiculous because they live in the same house! Then they block the door, talking about this cat or that cat (whichever cats are trying to get in or out) while I'm standing there with my arms full of heavy stuff and waiting for them to move. I try very hard to be patient, but, I can't make them understand that they make it more difficult for me with their "help."
I usually run to the nursery and buy the same day I'm planting, but, yesterday I didn't have a chance to plant them, so there they sit. Yesterday I was so busy I couldn't even blog. It was old lady check day so I was running Mom and Aunt around and they had to go everywhere. They didn't make me wait as long as they usually do, so that was good. Boy, did they load up though and I have to carry it all in. They are just too old to be lifting all that stuff. They try and I have to be patient and tell them to JUST GO INSIDE. Please. They get in the way and it takes me forever to unload with them piddling around. If they'd just accept the help and go inside and sit down it would make my life easier. They stand in front of the open trunk and debate "Is this your bread, Louella, or is this my bread?" "Oh, no, I bought rye bread, it's good for arthritis." Or some such shit, while I stand there trying to lug their 200 lbs. of cat food in the house. And the bread debate is ridiculous because they live in the same house! Then they block the door, talking about this cat or that cat (whichever cats are trying to get in or out) while I'm standing there with my arms full of heavy stuff and waiting for them to move. I try very hard to be patient, but, I can't make them understand that they make it more difficult for me with their "help."
Finally, I got them situated and I had a chance to run to the nursery and Mom had to go. That's fine, she wasn't a pain this time, but, she bought a bunch of big stuff that I will have to plant for her. Left to her own devices, it would be a disaster and I will blog about my Mother's gardening some other time. It's unbelievable. And not in a good way.
Finally, I got them situated and I had a chance to run to the nursery and Mom had to go. That's fine, she wasn't a pain this time, but, she bought a bunch of big stuff that I will have to plant for her. Left to her own devices, it would be a disaster and I will blog about my Mother's gardening some other time. It's unbelievable. And not in a good way.
Then I came home and sat down to eat and blog, because my blood sugar was low (I'm a diabetic) and my brother called needing a ride. I grabbed a chicken drumstick and left...again. More on that in the next post.
All I have to say about these pics is, will I ever get all this grass removed or will this just be a mess? It's hard work and it looks ugly. And why did I ever leave that old baking rack in back there by Mom's house (which is in front of my house)? Now it's become a catch all for Lissa's yard toys and junk and I have to clean that up. And I have to go to work today when I really want to garden. And when I get off work, I'll have Lissa for the weekend, which will be fun, but, I doubt I get much done. Story of my life..probably yours too, right? There's never enough time in a day.
All I have to say about these pics is, will I ever get all this grass removed or will this just be a mess? It's hard work and it looks ugly. And why did I ever leave that old baking rack in back there by Mom's house (which is in front of my house)? Now it's become a catch all for Lissa's yard toys and junk and I have to clean that up. And I have to go to work today when I really want to garden. And when I get off work, I'll have Lissa for the weekend, which will be fun, but, I doubt I get much done. Story of my life..probably yours too, right? There's never enough time in a day.
When I finally got a chance to sit down, I realized the lawn was out of hand and I had to mow. I really do hate mowing. I could do a whole post on that. I probably will too.
When I finally got a chance to sit down, I realized the lawn was out of hand and I had to mow. I really do hate mowing. I could do a whole post on that. I probably will too.
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