Aunt Ruth is a character. That's putting it politely. What is she now, 90? Everyone in the family gets irritated with her because she's rude and she knows everything. Oddly..I don't mind her. She makes me laugh, even when she's telling me how to drive. She hates my daughter in law. She knows the girl is sensitive about her weight so Aunt Ruth will say "Have you gained weight? Your ass looks a lot fatter." LMAO!
She says that shit to me too, but, I can play. I say "You wish you had this bootay, Aunt Ruth." Then I turn around and slap it. She claims she can hardly walk anymore, but, when my other aunt comes over and tells her the gambling bus to White Cloud is running, she hauls her old butt out the door like nobodies business. In Nike's, no less. Them's gambling shoes.
She says that shit to me too, but, I can play. I say "You wish you had this bootay, Aunt Ruth." Then I turn around and slap it. She claims she can hardly walk anymore, but, when my other aunt comes over and tells her the gambling bus to White Cloud is running, she hauls her old butt out the door like nobodies business. In Nike's, no less. Them's gambling shoes.
She also tells me how to run my garden, claiming she was a huge gardener. Funny, I don't remember that. I must have a mental block. I planted her strawberries in pots for her ( and I water them) and she gets a big kick out of harvesting them. If she saves them up for a week she might have enough to decorate one piece of cake. Some of the younger members of the family just think she's an old bitch. They don't remember when she was a wood carving sculptor..a really good one too..and a photographer. Back when she had a real life and was a beautiful redhead. But, I remember. I am going to put in a strawberry patch for her when I get time. She can tell me how I did it all wrong. I enjoy our little arguments. She never had any children, but, she can tell you how to raise yours. She was the first person to take me to a dentist. She thought kids needed dental care. Crazy woman.
She also tells me how to run my garden, claiming she was a huge gardener. Funny, I don't remember that. I must have a mental block. I planted her strawberries in pots for her ( and I water them) and she gets a big kick out of harvesting them. If she saves them up for a week she might have enough to decorate one piece of cake. Some of the younger members of the family just think she's an old bitch. They don't remember when she was a wood carving sculptor..a really good one too..and a photographer. Back when she had a real life and was a beautiful redhead. But, I remember. I am going to put in a strawberry patch for her when I get time. She can tell me how I did it all wrong. I enjoy our little arguments. She never had any children, but, she can tell you how to raise yours. She was the first person to take me to a dentist. She thought kids needed dental care. Crazy woman.
That's very sweet. My mom's aunt reminds me of your Aunt Ruth. No matter how annoying people found her to be I always enjoyed being around her.
It's nice that you are planting strawberries for her. I am sure she will appreciate it. :)
Is this the book Aunt?
very sweet indeed!
i read once in an old gardening book to also leave the first ripened strawberry on the plant as an offering to the 'berry gods' and that will ensure a better crop....seems to work! i've got other people leaving the first strawberries on their plants too now!!
Ahhh, well we did that by accident. No one saw it. I hope the Gods are pleased.
My Dad was a big gardener. Am I imagining this or did they used to plant strawberries in round graduated terraces? Maybe it was just my Dad.
Just reading LambsQuarterGardening has brought back a flood of memories from WAY back--well some are "half memories".
My Mom and Dad had a victory garden. I remember when we moved to a house they had a man with a horse come in to till the back yard. Then we all took part in sifting the soil through a home made sifter that my Dad made. They planted every vegetable known to man.
Later, it was turned into a lawn.
you can still buy those round graduated terrace things for strawberries!
she sounds like you
I've noticed similarities. Oh, geez.
Yum, my step-mother made homemade strawberry shortcake for me on Sunday. Fresh strawberries from their garden, sweet biscuits and fresh whipped cream. The best dessert in the world!
yeah!!!!!!! i'm liking this blog. its cool! i hope i get my camera out to show you pics and also a pic of my fathers painting of his garden. he loved gardens too, and he was a painter. i've been missing him heaps for three years now. oh and a picture of all the bird feathers because our dam cat killed a bird yesterday (how do i get rid of her). and also our very very healthy banana plant. healthy because thats where we put our dogs shit and the dead rats that our cat kills get buried there.
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