It was almost dark out tonight when I took that pic. And yes, I DO see that weed. I have bigger fish to fry right now than radish weeding. It's supposed to rain all week, which is good. I like the rain, I like gardening in the rain. I DO NOT like sun. Have I told you that? I know, it's kind of stupid for an albino sun hater to garden, but, I love growing things. But, the sun can kiss my ass, I'm not dealing with it.
So come on rain! I can get the rest of the grass removed. It's easier when it rains. If mom doesn't turn on the GD hose soon I'm going to get seriously pissed. The hose spigot is on her side. She has this weird thing about the hose and it's not cheapness. She doesn't care how much water I use in this garden, but, she has this goofy idea that if it freezes it will break her pipes. No matter how many times I tell her it won't freeze that hard in May, she just looks at me blankly. So weird. She also has a fear of her own basement where the water valve is and won't go down there. She always says Joey has to turn it on. She has to call Joey. Joey is our resident handyman and my cousin. I like my cousin Joey, he's kind of a cool dude and he does know a lot, but, I'm pretty sure I can turn on a water valve in the scary haunted basement. Mom doesn't believe it. No, no..we have to call Joey. I don't know what happened down there, but, she hasn't gone down there in 30 years. No shit.
So come on rain! I can get the rest of the grass removed. It's easier when it rains. If mom doesn't turn on the GD hose soon I'm going to get seriously pissed. The hose spigot is on her side. She has this weird thing about the hose and it's not cheapness. She doesn't care how much water I use in this garden, but, she has this goofy idea that if it freezes it will break her pipes. No matter how many times I tell her it won't freeze that hard in May, she just looks at me blankly. So weird. She also has a fear of her own basement where the water valve is and won't go down there. She always says Joey has to turn it on. She has to call Joey. Joey is our resident handyman and my cousin. I like my cousin Joey, he's kind of a cool dude and he does know a lot, but, I'm pretty sure I can turn on a water valve in the scary haunted basement. Mom doesn't believe it. No, no..we have to call Joey. I don't know what happened down there, but, she hasn't gone down there in 30 years. No shit.
It's kind of cold still at night here in Iowa, but, it's not supposed to go below 50. Everything should be alright out there with my tiny plants. If it does snow, it won't hurt anything as long as it melts quick. If we get a blizzard..I'm blaming it on my Mother. Bad juju. Bad Basement JuJu.
It's kind of cold still at night here in Iowa, but, it's not supposed to go below 50. Everything should be alright out there with my tiny plants. If it does snow, it won't hurt anything as long as it melts quick. If we get a blizzard..I'm blaming it on my Mother. Bad juju. Bad Basement JuJu.
I think I got this comments section right now.
omg.. 'bad basement juju' LOL.. and you're a crazy one for gardening in the rain! I only like rain if it's accompanied by lightning. haha
i like this blog better than DD :)
I like this blog better than DD too. Heh. But, I can't give up gossiping about stupid celebs yet. It's a habit. It's funny, because in real life I don't gossip much at all.
I'm going to go over right now and demand the water valve be turned on, I have cement!!!
in my personal experience it's easier to de-sod when it's dry as it's lighter weight...also, when you remove sod when wet if there are any weeds in it, they are more inclined to spread...
you need to water...if you have to wait for Joey, ghetto water via buckets filled in your house...water gentling though and water early in the day so the water can get absorbed during the day in the dirt and won't gather around the plants as it would in the evening which could lead to root rot for your seedlings....
hope that made sense..i'm tired and have a 12 page paper due thursday and have like ONE page written!! YEAH!!!!!!
Yeah, I am too tired and sore to carry water. I like to remove sod in the rain because I can slice it with the shovel then. I have this weird grass in back that's not supposed to go in a lawn. It's tough clumps, like sledge grass. The plow broke on it! Then Joey tried tilling it and it made him mad. So we gave up on machinery. It's really been rough. I can't believe I got as much done as I did. Send me pics of your gardening Tia..I love your flowers!
I want a rain barrel set up. There's vids on You Tube on how to connect a hose to it. Seems a shame to waste all that rain.
rain barrels are a great idea!!!
you could put buckets of water in a wagon to take to your garden...
i have one more week of school, then i can start working on the current jungle that is supposedly my garden! :D
You just want to see me carry water so bad. I aint doin' it. LMAO!
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